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The Pokemon Splicing and Booster Pack Store!


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can i get a splice with blastois and umbrion. and can you make me a booster pac with the imeg of my first sig card and call it vileg of shadows pleas


Ill be glad too do it once you find the real pic of that and fill this out





Style(5D, Lava, Grunge, original yugioh):

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Hiyas! I see you are good at sprite splicing! Well-well-well-welly-well well! Have time for a Shiny Ho-Oh, Shedinja, (For the Halo) and Heracross? Also, how do I upload my sprites so I can show you my sprites? I rated your work +1.

WHAT? HE WAS BANNED?????????????? He was so nice! Spriting for all- for FREE!!!! Why was he banned?

Plus I didn't get my order.

acceca, REPORTED. Phhhhhhht. Copying nearly everything he did. -1 Points total? That is sad. But I dare you to make a copy of that person again! :F (Those are buck teeth)

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