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just for fun: dark sancurary deck.


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how would you use this field spell? http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Sanctuary

remember you must have dark necrofear in the grave to be able to use it, so it must be in the deck as well, plus you must tribute a monster every turn to keep it, but tokens count here.

everything else is up to you. win however you want.

for an extra bit of fun, make your verson of bakura's final destny deck.

necro fear is a DARK, level 8 fiend.

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Here goes:


Extra Deck: 15


3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Magical Android

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos


Monsters: 20


3x Dark Necrofear

3x Demise, King of Armageddon

3x Destiny Hero - Malicious

2x Dark Grepher

3x Krebons

2x Psychic Commander

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan


Spells: 19


2x Dark Sanctuary

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Trade-In

2x Destiny Draw

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Terraforming

2x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 4


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Solemn Judgment



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Goyo. Monster Reborn.


It may be situational' date=' but it cant really hurt the Deck. Why not use my opponent's monsters against them.



so, filling extra space?


just to ask, how do you plan on keeping DS "up and running" as it were, since it requires a tribute every turn after the turn it is played.

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Chaos Core x3

Chaos Necromancer x3

Cyber Ouroboros x3

D.D. Warrior Lady

Dark Armed Dragon x2

Dark Necrofear x3

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer x3

Mad Profiler x3

Phantom of Chaos x2

Prometheus, King of the Shadows x3


Allure of Darkness x3

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation x3

Dark Sanctuary x3

Gold Sarcophagus

Trade-In x3

Heavy Storm


Return from the Different Dimension

Dimensional Prison x3


This uses Dark Sanctuarary Mainly to feed your GY for effects such as DADs and the others in this deck

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Chaos Core x3

Chaos Necromancer x3

Cyber Ouroboros x3

D.D. Warrior Lady

Dark Armed Dragon x2

Dark Necrofear x3

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer x3

Mad Profiler x3

Phantom of Chaos x2

Prometheus' date=' King of the Shadows x3


Allure of Darkness x3

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation x3

Dark Sanctuary x3

Gold Sarcophagus

Trade-In x3

Heavy Storm


Return from the Different Dimension

Dimensional Prison x3


This uses Dark Sanctuarary Mainly to feed your GY for effects such as DADs and the others in this deck


not bad, but you might find problems with this deck, little field in terms of monsters, and you have to tribute one every turn.

it could work though.

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