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Gladiator Beast's Latent Power

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I looked for this in the pages and didnt find it. if it already exists, my apologies.





1 face-up "Gladiator Beast" Monster you control gains 500 ATK until the End Phase. By returning 2 "Gladiator Beast" Monsters in your Graveyard to your Deck, add this card in your Graveyard to your hand.


can anyone please explain to me how this card is bad? it can be activated on either player's turn because it is quick play, and then it increases the ATK of the monster, and then you can recycle past Gladiators, and then you get the card back to continue this.


how is this card bad? im not saying that you should run it, but what part about it other than its lolATK would make it unrunable?


oh, and would you run it? ^_^

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it's not the fact that it increases ATK, the the reusability! You can use this card whenever to return two of your Galdiator Beasts back to your deck, and best of all get this card back to repeat it again! Who cares about the ATK bonus? That's what it is, a bonus feature...

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Kale actually makes a good point. If you have 6 GB in your graveyard, all you need is 1 GB on your field. You can activate it, add 2 GB to your deck, then 1 GB you control gains 500 ATK. Then you can do again and again and again untill you don't have anymore GB in your Graveyard. Then you have 1 GB beatstick for the turn and plenty of GB in your deck.

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Kale actually makes a good point. If you have 6 GB in your graveyard' date=' all you need is 1 GB on your field. You can activate it, add 2 GB to your deck, then 1 GB you control gains 500 ATK. Then you can do again and again and again untill you don't have anymore GB in your Graveyard. Then you have 1 GB beatstick for the turn and plenty of GB in your deck.



It also refuels the GBs to the deck where they can be summoned by said beatstick. ;)

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It will be good :


1) you can search it with samnite and with equeste


2) deck fattening effect is optional (use equeste)


3) late game hera fodder


4) you should only control GB while playing GB


5) you can play this plus shrink


This card will help samnite get his effect to seach chariot, then tag for equeste to get this back, then use chariot plus this to maintain control until you win with gyza and herk.


Seriously, 500 ATK is all you need.

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It will be good :


1) you can search it with samnite and with equeste


2) deck fattening effect is optional (use equeste)


3) late game hera fodder


4) you should only control GB while playing GB


5) you can play this plus shrink


This card will help samnite get his effect to seach chariot' date=' then tag for equeste to get this back, then use chariot plus this to maintain control until you win with gyza and herk.


Seriously, 500 ATK is all you need.




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