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GX anime card

Orichalcos Soldier

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this card is based on a card that was given to jaden in the GX anime to defeat the last shadow rider in season 1. im not sure on the exact name but it had somthing to do with philosipher's stone. i tried to combine the effects of the card with the rules of the actual game and not make it to overpowered. so tell me what you think and if any changes should be made. so here it is!




CARD TEXT: Pay half of your Life Points to activate this card. This card remains on the field for three of your turns. While this card is on the field, instead of executing your normal Draw Phase, you can pay 300 Life Points to select any desired card from your Deck, show it to your opponent, and add it to your Hand. After the third turn that this card has been activated, it is treated as an Equip Spell card, and is equipped to the monster with the highest ATK that you control, the equipped monster's ATK is doubled. (this card is destroyed if you do not have a monster to equip)


i found the image on this website "heyam-myfavbook.blogspot.com" from google by searching for "magic stone"

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