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What legedary pokemon are you?


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Yayz im jirachi. i freakin own you all cuz i grant my wish to kill you all! (i just notice i am not a jirachi' date=' i am me. me is better than you (my old custom user title)[hr']

also jirachi is an emo pokemon.


1. your sigs too big

2. how is jirochi emo (i think you mean darkrei or something dark)

3. your not better then me, i am haruhi suzumiya, the best damn member on this forum (only people who even come close to mai awsomeness are synthiea and saturn.)

and 4. jiarchi can only grant wishes to other people, not its self (if it could, it wouldnt be able to be caught and have some super uber 999999 power move with oo pp and a kewl hair cut)

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