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What legedary pokemon are you?


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I got Mewtwo.


Yeewz... Your Mewtwo the clone with a disturbed heart... You are a pokemon of wisdom and courage... You also have a very kind heart... You with never fail to protect those that adore... However , you tend to be too over protective... You must bear one thing in mind... And that is that you don't have the right to control one's destiny... Well good pick anyways...

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I'm Mew

Text after i got Mew:

"wow... your the strongest pokemon that ever lives.. your are the all original mew... strong and kinda t the same time you are pokemom of humilty and care ... despite your great powers you never show off.. you instead tnd to help others instead... you are alos an extremely wise pokemon who eventually managed to snap mew two out of it's confusion...."



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