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My New Kingdom Hearts Cards-Plz Rate!!


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Nice cards, bottom ones pic doesnt match rest some pics are stretched but otherwise yea pretty good. 7/10 for all.

Cloud: Overpowered, 1 not 'one',

Sora: Fine

Sora-Final Form: CAN be overpowered.

Sora-Master Form: is worse than cloud and has exactly that same use.

Sora-Wisdom Form: Theres a sig in corner, 1 not 'one', Spell or Trap Card, also a bit underpowered because if your opponent has no spell or trap you have destroy your own so change it to: Spell or Trap Card on your opponents side of the field.

Riku: When this card destroys a Monster by battle, your opponent randomly discards 1 card from their hand.

(Monster not monster for all)

Sora-Valor Form: put 1 Wisdom Counter not 'wisdom counter', when this card has 3 Wisdom Counters on it, you can send it to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Sora-Wisdom Form".

I deserve a rep - jks :D

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