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Dreams to Reality Preview

Master of the Library

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Everyone has dreams of heroes, villians and incredible adventures. Now you can reach out and bring them to life before your very eyes! Make your dreams come true! -Official Industrial Illusions press release.




























The effects of the next three cards are hard to read, so I'll put them below each card.



Keyblade Master- Sora + 'Court Wizard Donal' + 'Captain of the Guard- Goofy.'

When this card is succesfuly summoned, roll a six-sided die. Place a number of 'Drive Counters' on this card equal to the number rolled. During the End Phase of each turn, remove a 'Drive Counter' from this card. When there are no more 'Drive Counters' on this card, return it to the Extra Deck and return to play the 'Keyblade Master' Sora'.'Court Wizard Donald' and 'Captain of the Guard-Goofy' you used to summon this card. When this card is successfully summoned, you may select two 'Keyblade' cards from your hand, deck or graveyard and equip it to this card. Your opponent may not chain to this card's attack and everytime this card destroys a mosnter as a result of battle, you may:

1.Deal 800 points of damage to your opponent's life points.


2. Have this card attack one more in a row.






Keyblade Master- Sora + Captain of the Guard- Goofy

When this card is succesfuly summoned, roll a six-sided die. Place a number of 'Drive Counters' on this card equal to the number rolled. During the End Phase of each turn, remove a 'Drive Counter' from this card. When there are no more 'Drive Counters' on this card, return it to the Extra Deck and return to play the 'Keyblade Master' Sora' and 'Captain of the Guard-Goofy' you used to summon this card. This card may be equipped with two 'Keyblade' cards at once. If the 'Keyblade Master'Sora' you used to summon this card was equipped with a 'Keyblade' card, than you may equip that 'Keyblade' to this card. This card may attack once more during the Battle Phase equal to the number of 'Keyblade' card equipped to it.





Keyblade Master- Sora + Court Wizard Donald

When this card is succesfuly summoned, roll a six-sided die. Place a number of 'Drive Counters' on this card equal to the number rolled. During the End Phase of each turn, remove a 'Drive Counter' from this card. When there are no more 'Drive Counters' on this card, return it to the Extra Deck and return to play the 'Keyblade Master' Sora' and 'Court Wizard Donald' you used to summon this card. When this card is successfully summoned, you may select one 'Keyblade' from your hand, deck or graveyard and equip it to this card. Each time that you successfully activate a Magic card during this turn, destroy one Magic or Trap card on the field.



Note: The Dreams to Reality set will take the greatest games in the world and place their power int your hands as cards. But this is just the preview, so you'll have to wait for more. But in meantime, why not give some feedback?

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