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What is your favorite thing to do in a battle?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite thing to do in a battle?

    • Use Attacking Moves
    • Use Stat Affecting Moves
    • Use Status Inflicting Moves
    • Use Defensive Moves
    • Use Healing or Stat Healing Moves
    • Switch out Pokemon
    • Use an Item
    • Catch the Opposing Pokemon
    • Make a Comback Win
    • Run Away!!!

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EV = Effort Values. You get them from defeating certain types of Pokemon. I'm pretty sure they max out at 255 for each stat, and the maximum is somewhere over 500. Every 4 for a specific stat increases it by 1 when the Pokemon levels up.


I'm pretty sure IV stands for Initial Value, but I'm not sure what they do.

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That's pretty good the 255 is write but only 252 of those count because as you siad it needs to be a multiple of 4 to count for an extra point on a stat. However that only countas at level 100. Also the max is 510.


IV stands for Individual Values, Intial Value would mean the same thing though.


Well I'm interested you know about IVs but aren't into competitive play. Want anther more difficult question?

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' pid='1509436' dateline='1230181518']

Sorry for the spam' date=' but it is officially my birthday! :D



*throws cookies*


Have fun.


I sense sarcasm...


ok... for thoes pple who said fly isnt a good move because its an hm.. your... WRONG because the first turn you cant get hit exept by sky uppercut' date=' and it has like 90 power! its the same as dig but not as dangerous because sky uppercut isnt a common move... yay i defended myself insdead of others for a change! w0000t go me! go me! go me! go me!



It gives your opponent a free turn to either set-up, switch Pokemon, or use a stat-up. Fly is OK.


...and that Earthquake is a very commonly used move. =/


Anyhow' date=' almost got that banner done [Dark']! =D


It makes EQ's base power 200, or it might be 150, BEFORE STAB. And Dig gives your opponent a free turn to switch to an Articuno who can Ice Beam your butt outta there.


Another one who catches six Pokes for in game. The less you catch the higher level they'll be when you get to the Pokemon leuge' date=' catch three train three, pewn all. simple idea simple process job done. Instead people seem to think it fit to catch 6 Pokes because they think they have a better chance at winning. 1 Poke at level 70 would @$$ rape any team that had 6 Pokes at level 50. If you're just doing it for fun and want to make it difficult for yourself, be my guest but if you wanna do it quickly and with minimal effort, catching and training less Pokes would be the best choice.



Meh, you are SOMEWHAT correct. Training 6 Pokemon makes it easier to get type coverage. But training 1 Pokemon makes it easier to get a higher level.


I also have THREE things to say...


1.) Synchroman, I am ready for our egg-breeding battle, tell me when we should fight. Level 1 Pokemon! :D


2.) Shanoa, I have a task, not really a task, but an AR task for you, I'll pay in PokePoints and/or YCM Points. I will PM it, unless someone posts here before I PM it saying that they also have an AR.


3.) For the Light Ball item, does it double Pikachu's ATK and SpATK or ONLY it's SpATK?

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My AR is in my room' date=' I'll go get it. =)



My keyboard is right here. I'll go PM you. =)


Light Ball ups both ATK and SPATK in D/P/Pt. In R/S/E it only upped ATK' date=' which was pretty useless because there were no good attacks for Pikachu back when the physicality/speciality of the attack was based on type and not independent thereof.



That's good, at least I get SOME use out of Volt Tackle.


Pickachu sucks even with a Light Ball on Dark. Don't even think about using him competitively.


Better than Raichu. 2x ATK and SpATK is better than Raichu. And don't assume I was gonna use him competitivley, I am not THAT dumb.

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... I am stupid for not realising.


Was that sarcasm or not? If it was... If it wasn't' date=' yes, you are stupid. :mrgreen:


hey everyone srry i havent been on in a while, but i got Pokemon Ranger 2 Shadows of Almia and its really fun im already more than halfway through the game


Never heard of it, but I heard the Ranger games were all boring. >_<

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