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Ace Attornys : Trail Legacy


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This is a Law RP


I'm goin to make Cases, I'll chose the places of each crime, and I'll draw some maps, and I'm also the Judge.


the Important Jobs Are :


-Search the scene of the crime

-Question the Suspects

-Communication with the Prosecution Office


Defense attorneys:

-Deffend the Suspect in the Court.

-not allowed in the Crime Scene.



-Must prove the Suspect is guilty.

-Call witnesses in the court.

-Can Check the Court Record Even Before the Trail.

-Not allowed to talk to the suspects.


you can chose any job you want ( reporter, Police-officer, no job.........

etc.) If you just want to be a suspect


Court Record:


Here are all the Evideces that were accepted by the Court, Every Case have a Record, the Detectives must submet what they find to it, lawyers can use them in the trail,


The Game:

1) investegation:


When a detective search a room/place, I may PM him/her an Evidence or two, its your choice to tell who about the evidences, or you can submet it to the Court Record.


Prosecutors can also be in the Crime Scene, but they wont find anything

, but they can Ask the Detectives about alot if things, and then Chose the main Suspects


I'll PM the suspects and tell them if they were the criminal or not, and also I may tell them what they have witnessd,


The Suspects must chose a lawyer to defend them , otherwise the Cort will chose their lawyers.


the Defence Attornys can ask all of the Suspects any question, of course they can lie to you, also you can refuse the Request of a suspect to defend him.


the Defence Attornys Cannot See the Court Record Until the Trail Starts.


2) The Trail


Each Main Sespect will have a trail, in the beging of the trail, the judge(me) will show the court Record to the court ,So every one will be able to see it,


the Prosecutors calls the witness , and the Judge Ask him to give a testimony about something, then the Defence Attorny can ask the suspect about what he testefied....







Picture or physical description:

bio:(doesn't have to be long/leave it empty if you want)

Other Facts:


I hope you like it, I'll post the First Case ASAP ^^

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both accepted ^^


Case1: Blood Anniversary


Place: Police Awards Ceremony

Time: 8:00 P.m.


THe party began At 6pm, Every Police-officer, Detective in the Country was invaited, some lawyers and judges were there too. Before The Commissioner Gives the "Best Detective of the year" awared, Detective Jim Velian was on the Stage. Suddenly, a Dead Body swung threw the hall and fall on the Detective.


the place is locked down now. The victem is a female detective.


Autopsy Report:

name: Veronica White


reletives: husband (Detective)

cuase of death:

was hanged by Fishing line, swung thruo the room with hanging rope.

the line cuase some wonds on the nick

time of death:




this is the map of the Place:


the five Circles are tables,

8 people was seting on each one

the blood dropes shows how the body was swingin.


Court Record:

-A rope : thick, was attached to the roof with a Pulley.

-A Fishing line: one edge was cut with a sharp object

-The Map

-The Autopsy


OoC: I'll be posting some suspects soon, since it's the first case and we don't have many charecters ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Robert Conway

Age: 26

Job: Defense attorney

Picture or physical description:Tall, never wears a suit, not even in court, long black hair that covers eyes, weras blue jeans and s grey harvard hoodie,

bio: Robert simply wants justice, he was trailed at the age of 18 for muder of his grilfriend, he denfended himself and won the case, that was when he diceded to become a lawery, to make sure that innocent people weren't sent to jail

Other Facts: is very smart, but lazy

it isnt to late to join right?

just relized i misspelled girlfriend, sorry i'm a really bad speller

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