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Death and Rebirth; Reborn!


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A little deck I'm working on. Oh, and I would like comments other than "This will never beat DAD/TeleDAD/ect.



3xFive-Headed Dragon

3xBlue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon



1x E.Hero Malicous Edge

3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

1x The Creator

1x Darkblaze Dragon

1x Tyrant Dragon

2x Luster Dragon

2x Mirrage Dragon

1x Kaibaman

2x Kaiser Seahorse

3x Masked Dragon

1x Spear Creatin

2x White Stone of Legend



2x Card of safe Return

1x Ribbon of Rebirth

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Lightning Vortext

1x Future Fusion

2x Foolish Burial

2x Soul Taker

1x Dragon's Mirror

2x Trade In



3x Solmn Judgement

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


C&C Please.

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This deck is disgustingly bad.


I mean' date=' You're running Kumouri Dragon in here and the lack of better cards, or much needed cards makes me cry.




I'm not against changing it, as long as I'm not running those disgusting Synchros, I'll be good.


Any Suggestions?

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lol much? bear in mind, The White Stone of Legend is for both BEWD and SYNCHROS. just bear in mind, they created that card for a reason...and many synchro decks rock. and in my opinion, some of the synchros can easily take out this dragon deck with ease. try a couple of synchros, and take out some cards.

- Kumori Dragon

- Blackland Fire Dragon??!??

- Darkblaze


+ Blue Eyes

+ 2 White Stone of Legend


and alot more, you should ask the other experts that have a variety of expertise on the game. keep in mind some fusions, like BEUD, and some synchros; some may be bad while others, quite the opposite.

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Done, Black land and Kumori were my friends ideas...he was trying to help me because my cards are crap.


And I don't like Syncros for the same reason I don't like Cybers and DAD;


Their are just a pathetic, unorigonal concept.


I have also made a possibility of Bringing out Five-Headed Dragon, as it would just destroy nigh-everything. And FHD+Ribbon of Rebirth= GOD

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^ Thanks for pointing that out.


Replace the second Future Fusion and the Magical Stone Excavation for 2 Trade-In.


Your traps are lacking bigtime.


-2 Draining Shield

-1 Dust Tornado

+3 Solemn Judgment

-1 Mal Cat

+1 Torrential Tribute


Dragon's Mirror is a Spell' date=' fix it.

[/quote']I agree with this. And would you mind looking at a deck titled Monarch/Synchro Turbo?

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Im not even gonna bother fixing this. Crappy Trap line-up (Chainability is very important in this format)' date=' wrong Monster line-up and less than mediocre Spell line-up. This wont even be able to touch TeleDAD.


Forget this Deck. Build one of the Decks in my Sig.



Why would I be worried abould TeleDAD? I live in Fort-freakin'-Edward! I know one person with a DAD!

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where the heck is your decoy dragon? that little thing can go grab your good stuff from the grave, activate cosr, and protect you from many attacks late game when they have run out of destruction (believe me, I've made tele-DaD run out with my spellcaster deck. course, i did make DaD unusable, trap killed all his tele stuff, and warlorded his monsters into submission.)


speaking of which, rivalry of warlords is helpful to single monster type decks like this one.


as a matter of fact, you could choose spell casters with lord of D on the field, and protect all your dragons from the negitive effect, and if he gets killed, your dragons become the new choice as your "1 type at a time" problem.

where the heck is your decoy dragon? that little thing can go grab your good stuff from the grave, activate cosr, and protect you many attacks late game when they have run out of destruction (believe me, I've made tele-DaD run out with my spellcaster deck. course, i did make DaD unusable, trap killed all his tele stuff, and warlorded his monsters into submission.)


speaking of which, rivalry of warlords is helpful to single monster type decks like this one.


as a matter of fact, you could choose spell casters with lord of D on the field, and protect all your dragons from the negative effect, and if he gets killed, your dragons become the new choice as your "1 type at a time" problem.

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