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The Darkness Is Coming [Finished][Lock][Sequal up soon!]

Soul Legacy

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Rokujo was fast asleep, and there was a sign next to him, which has all the questions and answers to your problems.


#1: You are here because you are captured.


#2: You don't want to disturb Rokujo's sleep, otehrwise, he will kill you.


#3: Ask other questions when he is awake.

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Rokujo soon woke up by the noise Cylra made, and yelled to no one in particular, "Who the fuc*ing HELL IS WAKING ME UP DAMNIT!!!!" Rokujo went to the cell doors, and kicked the corners of the door rapidyl and strong, and eventually, breaking it down. "There! Now, get going!!"

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Name: Dark

Date Born (e.g 200 T.D.C): 150 T.D.C


Job: (e.g Scientist): no job

Bio: Unkown

Personality (e.g Evil' date=' Neutural, Good): Evil[hr']

Name: Dark

Date Born (e.g 200 T.D.C): 150 T.D.C


Job: (e.g Scientist): no job

Bio: Unkown

Personality (e.g Evil, Neutural, Good): Evil


Excepteted, But Next Time PM Me Your Entry..........

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