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The Shops Section ^_^


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I suggest updating the Shop Rules Thread. The following is a list of new rules I have compiled. See if you agree. The main point of this is to outline the rules, so new members do not get confused, because 80% of the time, they spam because they don't know the rules ^_^


1. A Shop Owner must provide examples of all their items as soon as they post their Shop Thread. They cannot say "example coming soon". Failure to abide by this rule will result in locking of the shop, and restriction from posting a new thread in the shops section for a further 48 Hours.


2. You may not steal Holo Sheets from another member. This will result in the normal Stealing consequences, as posted by actor designs in the Graphics Tutorial Section. If you have permission, give the original maker of your holosheets credit.


3. You may not sell items made by a generator. This includes Member Cards made by YCM. This will result in an auto lock of your shop, and restriction from posting a new thread in the shops section for a further 48 Hours.


4. You may not post 2 Shop Threads at any one time. This will result in the locking of both shops, and restriction from posting a new thread in the shops section for a further 48 Hours.


5. You may not charge points for Card and picture Inverts. They show no creativity, and are a cheap way to get points from fellow members.


6. You may not post "Good Luck with your shop" in any new shop, unless you are ordering something. This is considered as spam.


7.You may not charge reps as prices for your items.



I will update this as I find more rules worth mentioning =D

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My opinons.

1) The must have examples rule is already in place, but does not extend to all items, that part of it is a good idea. You wouldn't see a real shop selling items it cannot show you. I think the 24 hour rule should stay.

2) Agreed, the person who believes have had their holo stolen should pm me.

3) Currently Member Cards fall in the 24 hour to remove rule.

4) Good idea, members shouldn't make too much work for themselves.

5) Inverts I've given leaniance too, as long as they do not cost, its not so bad. Basically inverts should be free. No shop to accept payment for inverts, but that's where your rule makes more sense, as they make take points and I cannot watch all transactions.

6) Agreed good idea, this and open/closed posts just spam up shops, which is why I had slight reservations about my own 500 posts to pin idea.

7) Rule already in place, within the old rules, which seem to not be present for some reason.

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i defiantly agree with no good luck in shops,they were gone for a while but are coming back,i used to do that and got a neutral(it's still there) for doing that but now i stopped and nobody else seems to be negs or neutral for doing that so i agree.inverts should not be sold for points in the first place,you just have to click one button,if you can do it on MSPaint in less than a minute then it's defiantly not worth buying.and the 2 shop rule is bad in some ways,sometimes they had to go away and their shop is dead and has no way to bump without locking so they have to make a new one,but only with permission at least,and i see some stores closing then shortly after the same person opens another store selling the same items,if they didn't buy from the first one why buy from the second?

i agree with everything else also,i think they should remove post counts and point gained from posting in that section because if you buy 1 thing from a 1 point store,you lost 0 points,got and item,and a post,and most of the times people have discussions in there instead of PM so thats a cheap way to earn points and post.

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