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how is the ocg style play different from the tcg?

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OTK's can fail due to groz and tragoedia that's why only norleras otk's seems to work for the moment.


Their GB decks don't suck.


LightLords are fan favorites.


DAD rapes and it's faster than the ones we have here now that they have allures (dark temptation).


Brionac is game breaking. Lv6 synchros are popular over there, compared to here where we prefer lv8.


Cold Wave is game breaking. Hence the use of magic drain in anti-meta decks to prevent cold wave combos.


Anti-meta decks are everywhere. They're a pain seriously.


Now they have /busters I beleive stardust dragon /buster will have an impact over there since you can bring it out turn 1 almost every game.


They have plenty of cards we don't have here. DTs and promos mostly.

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get off the cards and back on topic. how are the styles of play different? from what i have gotten' date=' hey prefer a control the field style while we prefer a speed style.


what exactly makes this difference, and which one is overall better?



They don't "prefer" a control style format. It just ends up that way because cards like Gorz and Tragoedia exist there.

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get off the cards and back on topic. how are the styles of play different? from what i have gotten' date=' hey prefer a control the field style while we prefer a speed style.


what exactly makes this difference, and which one is overall better?



They don't "prefer" a control style format. It just ends up that way because cards like Gorz and Tragoedia exist there.


but that can't be the only thing, couldn't you just stop them preemptively somehow?


i guess not, if that's true.

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