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My Advanced Format decks


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Hi everybody. I have 3 decks in Advanced Format. I am pretty much sure that they go by Advanced Format list, but, if not, tell me. Also, tell me how my decks are and how I can fix it. I don't duel in official tournaments, so I don't use Side decks. Also, I'll tell you what I find wrong with the decks and you can tell me how to correct that problem as much as possible. Also, you'll probably notice that I use very few staples. Please try to fix that. Anyway, here are my decks:


Warrior Toolbox/Synchro deck: 40 cards

Monsters: 20

1 Blade Knight

1 Comrade Swordsman of Landstar

1 Cyber Dragon

1 D.D. Assailant

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Destiny Hero - Departed

1 Elemental Hero Wildheart

1 Exiled Force

1 Freed the Matchless General

1 Junk Synchron

1 Jutte Fighter

3 Marauding Captain

1 Mystic Swordsman LV2

1 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

2 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

1 Speed Warrior

1 Spell Striker

Spells: 14

1 Double Summon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Monster Reincarnation

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Smashing Ground

1 Synchro Boost

1 The A. Forces

3 The Warrior Returning Alive

Traps: 6

2 Dust Tornado

1 Miniaturize

2 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Extra Deck: 9 Synchros

2 Avenging Knight Parshath

2 Colossal Fighter

1 Junk Warrior

1 Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth

1 Goyo Guardian

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Stardust Dragon


My Warrior Toolbox/Synchro deck does pretty well, but I can never win against Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon. Is it just my deck isn't FAST enough, or will I never beat them? Got any advice to stop that?


Arcana Force deck: 40 cards

Monsters: 20

3 Arcana Force 0 - The Fool

1 Arcana Force I - The Magician

3 Arcana Force III - The Empress

3 Arcana Force IV - The Emperor

1 Arcana Force VI - The Lovers

2 Arcana Force VII - The Chariot

2 Arcana Force XIV - Temperance

2 Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon

1 Arcana Force XXI - The World

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Cyber Dragon

Spells: 13

2 Book of Eclipse

3 Cup of Ace

1 Heavy Storm

2 Light Barrier

3 Lightning Vortex

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps: 7

2 Arcana Call

1 By Order of the Emperor

2 Dust Tornado

1 Reversal of Fate

1 Sakuretsu Armor


This deck works fine, but I can't compete with metagame and, although I can usually use tons of tricks to alter or use the bad card effects to my advantage, I just need more good quality cards and more luck. Any suggestions?


Crystal Abundance deck: 40 cards

Monsters: 21

2 Chiron the Mage

3 CB Amber Mammoth

3 CB Amethyst Cat

2 CB Cobalt Eagle

2 CB Ruby Carbuncle

3 CB Sapphire Pegasus

3 CB Topaz Tiger

1 Dweller in the Depths

1 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

1 Rescue Cat

Spells: 19

3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

3 Crystal Abundance

3 Crystal Beacon

3 Crystal Blessing

2 Crystal Release

3 Crystal Tree

2 Terraforming


Besides needing Crystal Counter, it should be blatantly obvious what the problems with this deck is. Anyway, help in any way you can. Thank you.

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In the first deck, i think you should put a Commander Knight rather Comrade Swordsman of Landstar and remove D-Hero Departed to add an other Exiled Force.


In the second deck, you should add Athena and Vahalla maybe Hecatris. You should take out a Sakutetsu Armor to add a Mirror Force (i think you don't have it that's why you didn't put it). Remove also a Cup of Ace and a Lighting Vortex to add 2 Honest.


In the third deck, i think you should add a Mage Power by removing a Dweller in the Depths and also add a Magma Slash Dragon. Otherwise, it seems to be a good deck.


Those are my personal opinions, you may not do as i say.


P.S: Sorry for my bad English.

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He has the World. But only 1 copy. I can't really give to specific advice but this should be helpful.


1st: To little theme, speed, win condition... but mostly the trap lineup needs to be fixed. Dusts are Dead-end, for cards on the cheap Threatening Roar, Bottomless, and Raigeki Break are pretty good but cheap traps.


2nd: Switch to a more world-lock based build. That's really all I can say.


3rd: No Rare Value?

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