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Jade Knight: Discussion

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Well' date=' I wasn't able to go the Sneak Preview for Crossroads of Chaos, so I don't know the effects of all of the cards that are in the pack. I was taking a look at the Crossroads of Chaos TCG Card Gallery on Yugioh Wikia, and I stumbled upon this card.


I like it's ability to replace itself if it's destroyed and I like the fact that it's a LIGHT monster because it can be used with Honest. I'm not saying it's good, but is it worth trying?[/quote']


What do you think? Is the card playable?

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Guest PikaPerson01

ooh great it can search...


blue thunder


Someone on Ukaypro mentioned Tuning Supporter.


Is Tuning Supporter a Machine-Type monster?


It's not level 4 though.


According to YVD, all of it's targets are:

Blue Thunder T-45

Flint Lock

Genex Neutron


Gaurdian of the Throne Room

Heal Weber

Helping Robot for Combat

Jade Knight

Mecha Dog Maroon

Reflect Bounder

Roulette Barrier

Victory Viper XX03

V-Tiger Jet

W-Wing Catapult

X-Head Cannon

Y-Dragon Head

Z-Metal Tank

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ooh great it can search...


blue thunder


Someone on Ukaypro mentioned Tuning Supporter.


Is Tuning Supporter a Machine-Type monster?


Yes' date=' but it's not Level 4.


Eh, this doesn't search much good stuff. Blue Thunder is nice, but aside from that, just about all we have are VWXYZ. >_>



I like the fact that it can search itself.


What about Victory Viper XX03? I know that someone on Ukaypro mentioned that.

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ooh great it can search...


blue thunder


Someone on Ukaypro mentioned Tuning Supporter.


Is Tuning Supporter a Machine-Type monster?


Yes' date=' but it's not Level 4.


Eh, this doesn't search much good stuff. Blue Thunder is nice, but aside from that, just about all we have are VWXYZ. >_>



I like the fact that it can search itself.


What about Victory Viper XX03? I know that someone on Ukaypro mentioned that.


Victory Viper is largely outclassed by Blue Thunder.

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I saw this card and thiught of making a deck filled with grasius cards.


With monsters like


3 Jade Knight

3 Bluethunder T-45

3 Victory Viper XX03

3 Honest



And maybe some tuners to make use of free tokens.


No' date=' Tokens cannot be used for Synchro Summons. >_>



Actually, Tokens can be used for Synchro Summons.

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That card could be very usefull with a cyber dragon deck. It may even replace cyber phoenix.


Cyber Dragon is not and has never been a significant decktype. Significant dekcs have incorporated Cyber Dragon-related cards - Chimeratech OTK, Demise OTK, Cyber-Stein OTK (sensing a pattern here?), and just about everything using Cyber Dragon as a splashable - but an actual Cyber Dragon deck is about as noteworthy as an Aitsu deck.

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Why is there a discussion about this card? It is a normal card with a nice effect' date=' yes it is able to be played, so that is what I am saying.



..... i dont think you understand the point of the question: "is this card playable?". its not "can i place this card on the playing field?" it is: "should i run this card in my deck?"


this is a discussion over whether or not the card is worth running, and with the right cards, like Honest and Blue Thunder, i think that a cool deck could be made with it.

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