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RP - City of Blood <PG-13> (Started)


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A full moon shines on a cloudless night. As you make your way home you get the feeling your being watched' date=' you look over your shoulder several times but see nothing but a deserted street. You continue walking when the shadows cast by the moonlight in front of you begin to move and a dark figure rises out of it, you freeze, overcome by the figures overpowering gaze.

"I sense a power within you that wishes to be unleashed," the figure says "If you wish to awaken that power you need only complete the contract."


You are now faced with a choice, you can either ignore the man and continue your peaceful life or read the contract he gives you and sign it. Upon signing it the contract will vanish into shadows and when you wake next morning you find yourself in Edge City, a deserted city with all manners of skyscrapers and any other kind of building or landmark you can imagine. Here you must fight for seven days and only he who proves himself the strongest fighter can achieve the power they've been promised.[/i']


Will you accept Shadow's contract? Of course you will otherwise we wouldn't be here. Welcome to City of Blood, an RP based off the concept of a fighting game. Here you can create your very own fighter and be as creative as you like. Shinigami? Why not?! Demon-Samurai from the future? Be my guest, there are no limits, just so long as your RP skills are up to scratch, however there are some rules to lay down:


Rules of combat:

1. Only one fight at a time.

2. All fights must be even, 1 on 1 or 2 on 2...Never 2 on 1 or 3 on 5, keep it real people.

3. You are not allowed to announce the results of your attacks, this is god-modding and is frowned upon extremely in the RP world.

4. The above rules do not apply if you're fighting an NPC, then it's anything goes.

5. Enjoy the RP ^_^.


All other rules of RPing apply (read the rules section for more info) with one additional rule that I would like people to follow as best they can:

1. Please, pleeeaase don't let two or three people RP ahead of others with such short, cruddy posts that everybody else leaves, this has been the death of all good RPs and is the bane of the RP section. If two people are posting constantly with the worst posts you've ever seen, give them a nudge. This is not an official RP rule but I would like people to stick to it so that as many people as possible can enjoy this RP to its fullest, I understand with the whole fighting thing this may be hard but a skilled RPer can have a fight over in a couple of posts.


So, as always here is the form to create your character, remember you can be as creative as you like. Your character can even come from another dimension if you wish, the skies the limit here:



Title: (optional)



Appearance: (can be a picture or a DETAILED description)


Family: (optional)

Birthplace: (Optional)


Weapon Name:

Weapon Type: (Sword, staff etc)

Weapon: Appearance: (Can be a picture or a description)

Fighting Style:

Additional abilities:


If you need any help check out the example form, my form or the forms created by other people.


[spoiler=example]Name: John Smith

Title: The generic dude

Gender: Male

Age: 30



Personality: A glutton by nature. He lives his life just to eat each day and is rarely seen without something in his mouth. He gets overprotective of his dinner and can resort to violence if someone takes a bite out of his donuts. He tends to eat his weapons during fights.


Father / Harry Smith

Mother / Mary Smith

Brother / Jack Smith


Birthplace: London, England. 1979

History: Growing up, John ate a lot. By the age of six he was the fattest kid in the neighborhood and couldn't walk down the street without it cracking. He once got into a fight at school after somebody laughed at him and amazingly beat the guy to death with a loaf of bread. Since then he developed his own style of fighting called Kung-Food...He was later sued and became broke. When Shadows appeared to him he spilled crumbs and strawberry jam all over Shadow's contract, causing Shadow to back off slightly, but John accepted anyway.

Weapon Name: Ring Donut chocolate surprise

Weapon Type: A pair of donuts

Fighting Style: He slouches a lot, eats a lot and occasionally may hit someone with his donut if he hasn't already eaten it.

Additional abilities: Since he's so fat, he absorbs most physical attacks.




[spoiler=Current members]


Name: Ayaska Hime

Title: Shadow of Light

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown. Appears 19



Personality: Surprisingly, Ayaska is pretty calm and gentle, showing pity to those who give in to evil and sorrow to those she battles. She has a very calming voice and will often try and reassure her opponents that fighting is not the only way to survive this tournament.


Father / Faron Hime / Deceased

Sister / Gwen Hime

Birthplace: Japan. 1587.

History: Ayaska never knew her mother. She grew up with her father and sister. Her father taught the two sister's how to defend themselves with the family art of fighting, training them to become ninjas for the nobles of Japan. When Ayaska turned 15 her manor was attacked by a horde of shadow beats. Many where fought off but in the chaos Ayaska's father was killed. Gwen became distraught and chased after the creatures, even long after they left in search of revenge, Ayaska however stayed behind and continued her training, vowing to fulfill her father's wish for her. Four years later she encountered the entity known as Shadow and recognized the dark aura emanating from him. Wishing to know answers she signed his contract and soon found herself in a new world, one that she did not recognize. She knew not how she got here, but she did know that she would face the toughest trial of her life.

Weapon Name: Equinox

Weapon Type: Twin ninjatō.

Weapon Appearance:


Fighting Style: Ayaska holds bother her blades backwards and uses a lot of slashing, spinning and kick attacks. She also combines it with other ninja abilities to create an fast past and unpredictable fighting style

Additional abilities: Ayaska has powers that allow her to move from one place to another seemingly instantly, create brief shadows of herself that can be easily defeated and of course she can move very quickly.


Ancient Gear

Name: Volf Howitzer

Title: (optional) Death's Right Arm

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: With all his armor on:


When his armor goes into buster mode:


When all his armor is off:



Personality: Sarcastic and wise, not to be trusted.

Family: (optional)

Birthplace: (Optional)

History: You guys will find out later in the RP :P

Weapon Name: Sword: Alondite, Saber: Wolf, Zweihander: Ragnell

Weapon Type: Sword, Saber, Zweihander

Weapon: Appearance: DK: Sword in pic, AO: Sword in pic, BM: Sword in pic.

Fighting Style: Very slow and tank like, With his armor off: Very fast and swift. Buster Mode: A balance. He also can summon various creatures for a full list of the creatures he can summon PM me don't worry there not gigantic dragons or anything like that :P

Additional abilities: Summoning, Necromancy, he can shapeshift but it's hard and can't be done a lot of times per day. He also he can only shapeshift with his armor off.



Name: Ugkaimu Argimus (Uka)

Gender: Male

Age: 18





Personality: Dark minded, not very social, anger issues

History: There is no knowing Uka's history, but he has a dark past that turned him evil.

Weapon Name: Zaphirus

Weapon Type: Long Sword

Weapon Appearance: *see appearance*

Fighting Style: Close Combat

Additional abilities: If he is standing where a shadow is being cast, he becomes stronger and faster.



Name:Xentas Hound

Title: Demon(See bio)






Personality:Cold as dried ice, not saying he is pure evil. He lacks what it means to feel again.

Family: No names to speak of but he seems to be looking for a sister.

Birthplace: Unknown

History:Know as the demon "Legion" after a battle in which he took out 100 people with his bare hands. There is little known about this lone warrior less then his name and the fact that he is in search of his sister. He is also known for the attachment ability he has which allows him to summon a armor and blade he alone can use.

Weapon Name:Koosoku(high speed); in armor:Guragus

Weapon Type: Sword;in armor its a a Axe-Pike

Weapon: Appearance: For Koosoku see appearance. Guragus and armor:


Fighting Style:Wolf style ninjustsu(Attacks acupuncture points on the body with nails)

Additional abilities:He is very fast without the armor...but really he is just a smart fighter who comes prepared for any situation, but if beaten badly he will go into somewhat of a berserk mode(which is why he got he nickname demon) where he becomes very violent and hard to hit.

I plan for this to go a very long way, so even if you're not to create at RPing please try and do your best and don't feel left out if your posts aren't as good as everyone else. Well that's basically it, feel free to ask any questions and have fun.



Name: Kyub Sapphira

Title: The Fallen Vanguard

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: Image © Paul Hoefener

Personality: A generally peaceful soul, Kyub is a naturalist due to circumstance, and is extremely angry at anyone that harms the environment in any way. He is fairly suicidal, but refuses to die until he has completed his mission. He is kind to most people, but he has a murderous side hidden away inside.

Family: All dead.

Birthplace: An island off the coast of Hawaii.

History: Kyub was born to a normal couple, Luke and Cassandra Sapphira, on a honeymoon villa off the coast of Hawaii. The couple was well-off, and their villa could be seen for miles. Unfortunately, it could also be seen by the more extremist naturalists, who disagreed with the gigantic villa being built on "their" island. They disagreed so much that they decided to raid the villa. Kyub's parents were killed, and the villa completely destroyed. Kyub, hiding in a closet, was found by the extremists, and they dubbed him moldable enough to take in. They took him back to their current camp, in a cave only accessible when the tide was low. Shy at first, he soon began to open up and forget the traumatizing scenes of his family's death. He made a friend in an old man, who taught him the way of the sword after seeing Kyub's fragile nature. The old man also schooled him, teaching him Math, English and the Sciences. He became a part of the group, was taught the naturalist ways, and his life continued in this way until his 16th birthday, where in the middle of a training fight with his teacher, the old man collapsed. Kyub cried out for help, but it was too late. The old man, the only family he'd ever known, was dead. Overcome with anger, he slaughtered the whole group, taking the old man's sword and cutting them down. He took a boat, and set off into the low tide. He returned to the main island of Hawaii, and wandered for a year, looking to become stronger to prove himself worthy of the old man's apprenticeship. After a year, he was framed for a robbery and murder, and jailed. He found from what he was told by the inmates that the real criminal was a well-known gang boss called Rage, for his boundless anger. Kyub suffered in silence for 3 years, until one day, a few months after his 20th birthday, he escaped by knocking out the guard and stealing the keys. He grabbed the old man's sword, and some clothes from the barracks, and left. He again wandered for a year, searching for information about Rage. 1 year later, walking down an old highroad, he was approached by Shadow, and given the offer and contract. Thinking that maybe Rage had also been approached, he signed the contract, and went to sleep that night thinking thoughts of blood and vengeance...

Weapon Name: Wildheart.

Weapon Type: Sword.

Weapon Appearance: Image © Sarayel @ DeviantArt.

Fighting Style: Hiten Mitsurugi. (Doesn't know Kuzu-ryūsen or Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki, his trainer died before he could learn.) Kyub is very reckless in his style, however, as he feels he has almost nothing to live for, except killing Rage.

Additional Abilities: The god-like speed generated by the Hiten Mitsurugi means that he can pump his heart at extraordinary levels, giving him extra energy in a fight, but shortening his lifespan significantly.


kyro the doom bringer

Name: Jason

Title: Shade

Gender: M

Age: 18




Personality: dark and fearless

Family: all deciced

Birthplace: outscrits of Tokyo


Jason is known for is great ability in assinasion and how he can pin point a targets weakness just by looking at them. But as he was growing up his family was all wiped out ecsept for him on that day he swor revenge on whomever killed his entier family. As he grew he trained intencely never giving an inch, but he still made time for his friends and for his GF espeisly since she was the only person he realy carried about. When one day as he walked to her house he found her and her parents dead hanging from a balcani. From then on he cut all his ties to the world and never talked exept for when needed and became the sielent "emo" guy whom everyone avoided. He trained even harder training untill he could bearly lift his arms with out pain. But he preffected his skills and has been undeffieted in Japan for four years but still searches for the man who took everything from him.


Weapon Name: demon edge

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Appearance:



Fighting Style: assinasion

Additional abilities: Jason can see an enemies weak points just by examining them even if thay arn't fight or moving he can easily see their weakness, and he become as sielent as a mute mouse


The Dark Prince

Name:Nova Zone

Title: Shadow


Age: 24

Appearance: guys228.jpg


Family: His Sister Sara

Birthplace: Japan


Weapon Name: Quip

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Appearance: (In the pic)

Fighting Style: Phoenix

Additional abilities:He has speed like Sonic, Can sense when someone is coming, Can jump high, and know ninja moves


Final Fantasy Revolution

Name: Hisan

Title: The Explosive General

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, looks to be around 28-32



Personality: Hisan is mostly mysterious and dark, but will share his story with a select few.


Birthplace: Somewhere in Japan, doesn't recall where.


Hisan has no family members left, his mother and fathers parents past as well as his parents. His parents had no brothers and sisters and he was an only child. Hisan has always kept to himself ever since his parents died at the age of 12. When Hisan was given his power he forgot some details of his life, including his true age, birth date, and exact birth place. Hisan will share some of his story with anyone who he has grown to trust...

Weapon Name: Bakuhatsuteki Ouja (Explosive Monarch), he also carries a variety of different explosives.

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Appearance:


Fighting Style: Uses an odd mixture of Berserker's Style and Traditional Martial Arts.

Additional abilities: Can fuse his explosives with elemental properties. His sword has multiple elemental and explosive attacks along with it just being a sword.


King of Games

Name: Damian Gray

Gender: Male

Age: 23



Personality: Brave, passive but protective of Rengu(see history)

Birthplace: Canada

History: At a young age, Damian discovered he could quickly heal

any cuts or scars that were inflicted on his body, each time took

less time to heal then the last. one time he was unfortunate

enough to get lost in the wilderness among the large Sequoya trees.

He was found and captured by a northern tribe of natives. They

intended on using him as a sacrifice to the Demon of the Night, Rengu.

They tattooed Rengu's likeness upon his arm, a process that would kill

any mortal and lead their demon to the marked victim. Through his

regenerative abilities, Damian survived, and instead of devouring him

mind, body and soul, Rengu's spirit was strapped to Damian's, bond by

the tattoo. The two manage to co-exist symbiotically within the single

form. Damian can summon forth Rengu, but only in the dead of night,

or immense darkness.

Weapon Name: Ourim and Toumin ; Black Bombs

Weapon Type: (Sword, staff etc): Chain-mail gloves ; pellets attached to a belt

Weapon Appearance: A white right-hand and black left-hand glove, with

fingertips left revealed, made from a metal that cannot be cut through; small

white pellets that billow out black smoke, that bloats out any light, when thrown

against something.

Fighting Style: Uses disabilitating moves in conjunction with Rengu's fierce attacks

Additional abilities: Spontaneous Regeneration, and excellent sight in the

dark(naturally gained from eating too many carrots)



~TO out


title:gentle knight



appearance: Kitsune___Fox_boy_by_Naughty_kittykitty.jpg

personality: kind and protective toward friends

Family:died in fire


history:when i was six a man tried to kill me by lighting my house on fire killing my family i survived and since then have been searching for the man

weapon names: Geo Wolf, Sky Cutter, Demon Arch

Weapon types:swords( GW and SC), scythe(DA)

Weapon appearance: fancysword.jpg Geo Wolf shortswordtp4.jpg Sky Cutter Lunar_Sythe.jpg Demon Arch

Fighting Style:none

Special Abilities: Wind blade(rends anything in front of me) Shadow beam(shoot shadow straight in front of me and can control it afterwards)

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