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Spider Virus


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Well with some help its been remade slightly, rate?


FLIP: Select 1 Machine-type monster on your opponents side of the field and take control of it. As long as the selected monster remains face up on your side of the field this Card cannot destroyed by battle. As long as "Spider Virus" remains face up on your side of the field the selected monster can not be destroyed by the effects of Spell or Trap Cards.

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Ok i'm not 100% sure but i think you could write it like this

FLIP: Select 1 Machine-type monster on your opponents side of the field and take control of it. As long as the selected monster remains face up on your side of the field this Card cannot destroyed by battle. As long as "Spider Virus" remains face up on your side of the field the selected monster can not be destroyed by the effects of Spell or Trap Cards.


i like the card though and anyone else plz correct me if i'm wrong about the OCG but otherwise, i think that is correct.


Also what is up with the ? ATK and DEF you don't have anything in the text about the ATK or DEF so it may as well be written as 0.


As for the rating i say it is a 7.2/10

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