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Tickle Me Emos back in town

Tickle Me Emo

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Monsters: (18)

3| AG Dragon

1| Jinzo

1| Kuraz*

1| CyDra


2| Dekoichi

1| Breaker

1| Snipe

1| Sangan*

1| Mole

1| Morphing Jar*

1| Greenkappa

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Ryko*

1| D.D. Crow***


Spells: (14)

3| Geartown

1| Bcon

1| Trunade*

1| Heavy

1| Limiter Removal

1| Megamorph*

1| Mosuleum

1| Reborn

1| Scapegoat*

1| SoRL*

1| Terraforming

1| Tifon Del Espacio Mistico (MST)


Traps: (9)

3| Magical Hats

3| Reckless Greed

2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| TT


Extra Deck: (x)

1| Cybertech Overdragon

1| Gyzarus

x| Synchros I can get my hands on


Side Deck: (15)

1| Getsu Fuhma (yay Dark World Sychro and Zombie Synchro rape)

2| LV

1| Prohibition (Trying to get 2 more)

3| IIW

2| Threatening Roar

2| Divine Wrath

2| Shadow Mirror

1| Light Mirror (working on getting a second one)

1| Oppression (Working on getting a second one)


* Suggested today by my friend Jessy who always made top4 with his Geartown deck before building Tele-DAD at lolocals

*** Am working on making 2


I wanna figure out how to fit in 3 Phenox and a 2nd Crow.

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