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[2DISC] Garis the Stargazing Beast/White Night Queen

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Guest PikaPerson01

White Night Queen = Worse Version of Granmarg.

And Granmarg sucks, so that's saying something.


Garis is a 50/50 chance to get a -1 and a 50/50 chance to SS a a useless 800 attack beatstick.

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Guest PikaPerson01

----^ you can otk with garis


btw its a 2 card otk ;)


Lemme guess:

1) Send Yubel with Garis, burn for 2000.

2) Send the Wave-Motion Cannon you've already had on your field for the past 6 turns to the graveyard for another 6000.

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they both look cool but seem kinda bad to me...


btw from what i can see queen is pretty hawt... could be the low res screen though...


whats the otk... im not seeing it at the moment...

It's the low res. And even then' date=' she's ugly.


Less [s']DARKS[/s] ice, more every other Attribute hawtness, plz, Konami.

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