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How would you propose?

Careless Whisper

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Say you are a guy getting ready to ask a girl to marry you.

How would you set up the proposal?


--If you're a girl, how would you like the proposal to be done?--




I would propose to a girl by first going out on a jog (well, I'd say that) and then come back an hour later acting like I'm exhausted, the girl I wil propose to would be there, as I plan to have the girl move into my apartment, and I'd lay onto the couch, she'd most likely be cooking breakfast or doing something for her morning, and then she'd come to me and greet me while I sit on the couch. I then grab her hand gentily, hold it open and then venture into my pocket. I take out a card board box wrapped in colorful paper and then give it into her hand. And then say "Got alittle present for you." or something like that. She'd unrap it, open the box to find a small black box inside the card board box, I'd open it for her if she's nervous by this point, and inside the box is gonna be the ring, with a sign above it that says "Will you marry me?"




Of course, it may change, but that is what I just now thought of.

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"Hai will you be my b**ch?"


On a more serious note, I think you have to see what works at the moment. Clariex apparently dislikes planning things out, which works up to a certain point, but you're not just going to drop the ring on her morning pancakes and propose while she chokes on it. And as much as your description sounds romantic and all Sario, I'd say only a very small portion of proposals actually go that way. You know, you can never count on her to have a predictable behaviour for you to build scenarios from - that's how evil women are. :P

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I would want it to be at a completely random time and place.

I hate having things planned out' date=' it ruins the fun.


Then I'd drag him back home for lots of smexy fun.




thats scarys and me is using your font lolx and your lolx

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