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Extra Deck: 15


3x Black Rose Dragon

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2x Super Alloybeast Raptinus

1x Magical Android


Monsters: 20


3x Gigaplant

1x Tytannial, Princess of Camillas

1x Grasschopper

3x Botanical Lion

3x Lonefire Blossom

2x Blazewing Butterfly

2x UFO Turtle

3x Nettles

1x Sangan

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells: 14


3x Swing of Memories

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Reckless Greed


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Copy plant = No.


Nettles > Copy Plant


Nettles + Grasschopper = BRD

Nettles + Gigaplant = 8 star Synchro.


-2 Copy Plant

+1 Nettles

+1 Grasschopper


Grasschopper is useful in here because it helps get out BRD, and it's Dragon's Mirror/Future Fusion fodder besides Blazewing Buttefly.


Also, Breaker or Grand Mole could be a viable option in here.

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Ok good. So, seeing as how this is in IRL, you need something to replace solemns.


May I recomend Royal Decree? Just for the IRL portion.


Royal Decree is great anti-meta because more then likely, your opponent is going to run solemn. If they are, Royal Decree stops their Solemn from stopping you.


So for the IRL portion of this, this is what I would do.


-3 Solemn

-1 Reckless

+3 Royal Decree

+1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole or Breaker.


Solves problems.

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For a Solemn replacement I was sorta seeing stuff more along the lines of Magic Drain but I suppose Decree works too. I see Reckless Greed as more of a 3 or 0 card in terms of running it. Setting 3 off at once gives me a huge chance of drawing into CoSR which is a good thing.


Should I drop a UFO Turtle for a Mole or Breaker? I would more than likely go for the Mole instead of Breaker since it annoys Fusions and Synchros a lot.

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No, don't do that. ..^


Reckless is either 3 or 0, so that's a no.


Foolish is good.


Dragon's Mirror is good.


Birthright shouldn't be run because Gigaplant, Monster Reborn, Blazewing Butterfly, and Swing does a better job.


Mark of the Rose is a bit slow, so I wouldn't do that. Although on the flipside it can be used for Synchroing your opponent's monster.

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Birthright isn't really required, but from my experience playing this kind of deck, Mark is. It can remove annoying monsters like Stardust by using them as tributes for plants. It can use low-level monsters as material for Synchros. It can get rid of walls, or just add that little extra attacker you needed to win. It's a swiss-army knife, really.

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