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Attachments need to Stop NOW!


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I have tried to be nice with Members, I am a Thoughtful Moderator who looks to the Members first, and what do I get? At least 20-25 Reports a Hour about Attachments! YCMaker installed the means to Click on the Completed Card Maker to get a Imageshack Link. Some people use this. But a few People still don't seem to Understand!


How about I make it easier to Understand, Attachments are Annoying in the Sense that if the person has created 3+ Cards you have to Click on each one to view it. What's worse is that it makes the Pages very Untidy! Oh and on the Subject of Untidyness. STOP WITH THE DAMN 9999/9999 Cards in Realistic! How the Hell are they Realistic!?


So from now on I am Banning any Members who Post Attachments for a Week, no ifs or Buts. There is a way to stop this though. I know for a FACT that there is a option in the Admin Settings to Disable Attachments from being Posted. I would like that Enabled if Possible.

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I'm on with you. You should make this an announcement in the Cards Sections, because not many people look here for rules on card making...


Attachments are good for a very small majority of things, if you're giving away a pack of something like Stocks or Renders for an examples, which still aren't the best...

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Of course the rule needs to be followed. If the rule isn't followed, then the Custom Cards Forum would be in complete chaos with the Attachments.


Oh, and your Title says it all. "Mommy! Why is there evil Attachments!?" explains how bad they are.


Enough said.


~The Enrise of Darkness

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