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Master of Shadows

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Here you can buy splices like thisMewchu.png

Splice with 2 pokémon: 1Point

Splice with 3 or 4 pokémon: 2Points

You get your order fast, and i will always do recoloring.

Order form:

Base pokémon:

Pokémon(s) in the splice(except the base pokémon):

If you want another colour(like the example pokémon red-coloured), it costs 1 point extra.


You can buy a "Splice Card" for 7Points, and for it you can buy up to 10 splices that costs 1P in one day.´

You can also buy a "Present" for 2Points, and i will make a surprise splice, and you can get any number of pokémon in the splice. If you're lucky, you may even get 5 or more pokémon in the splice.

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