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DAD deck


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I need help fixing this deck up, any sugestion would be great


o btw I reside in Japan ATM so im playing OCG



Monsters: 20


2x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Krebons

2x Psychic Commander

1x Sangan

1x D.D. Crow

3x Armageddon Knight

2x Necro Gardna

1x Fiend Roar Deity Raven

1x Snipe

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Doomcaliber Knight

1x Thunder King Rai-Oh

1x Mystic Tomato


Spells: 14


1x Allure of Darkness

1x Brain Control

1x MST

1x Shield Crush

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

2x Book of Moon

2x Cup of Ace (cant afford 2 more allures ATM)

1x Nobleman of Crossout


Traps: 7


1x Crush Card Virus

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Solemn Judgment

2x Bottomless

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device



Extra Deck:


The usual stuff -_-

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