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{NC} Presents - New Never Before Shown Saiyan - Brogeta - The Ultimate Super Saiyan


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I know, I know this card is OP'ed but think of how hard it would be to summon it and as it in an anime.

Gogeta and Broly are the last heros to fight of the seemingly indestructible enemy and they still stand strong and fuse. They have great power now but when they punch the enemy it hurts them badly but not kills them. And when a blast is going to destroy someone or weaken someone a hero like Krillin could come in and take the shot. And at the end a giant blast will wipe out the enemy

Here's the crad, what do you think:



[spoiler=[b].:Card Lore:.[/b]]

"Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan" + "Gogeta - The Perfect Super Saiyan"

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Fusion Summoned by using the Spell Card "Polymerization" while you control both the above Fusion Material Monsters in face-up Attack Position. When this card attacks a monster, the attacked monster is removed from play without applying Battle Damage. When a Spell, Trap or Monster Effect that decreasing ATK, DEF or Life Points or destroys cards you control is activated, remove from play 1 monster with "Hero" in it's card name from your Graveyard to negate the effect of the Spell, Trap or Monster Effect Card and destroy it. At the End Phase of each turn, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to half the combined ATK of all monsters removed from play by the effect of this card this turn.



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