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I know what I must do...

C. Skull

What do you think the C stands for in my name?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What do you think the C stands for in my name?

    • Crying
    • Corea
    • Crazy
    • Caring
    • Cracked

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My goal is to get a single comment that is not insulting to the cards I make (I do read the comments about the threads I made so far 8) ). I am finally free to make all the cards I want (that means no more girly cards:D ). I had really improved making cards since the comments I read about. I have learned that people are too lazy to click on the links to the cards I make (the reason why I make links to my cards becuase some people might wanna download them). Sorry for typing so much. One more thing, what does OP and OCG stand for?





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Excellent cards. I loved the description of Unknown Creature. I don't want to sound whiny, but pay attention to your spelling filter. If you're gramatically correct it brings your score up.

9/10, good pictures and generally well-made effects.

I don't care about your OCG. Everyone is "OCG" this and "OCG" that. I really don't care.

Again, awesome cards.

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