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Um here is the effect but can you hold on my order I forgot to put / Union on it


Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to your "Dark Assassin" as an Equip Spell Card, OR change it back to a monster in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monsters ATK/DEF is increased by 400 points, and when it attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of a Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. 1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the monster this card is equipped to is destroyed in battle, this card is destroyed instead.

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Sorry i haven't paid you yet, but this is my first login since u posted the pack. I'll pay you right away. And you want me to post the card on the pack? Okay, but the set isn't finished. It's a combo of E-Heroes and a whole NEW kind of hero i created. You'll have to wait till i post the thread to see the rest :wink:here it is:



And can you PM me the image url so i can put it in my sig, please?

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