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The FAIL game


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Here's how to play the fail game: someone posts a short story about themselves(real or not real, doesn't matter)and the next person has to rewrite that story to make them ultimately FAIL.



I'll start off: One day I was bored so I decided to get some pie. When I got to the pie store, I saw it was closed! So I went to the muffin store but it was closed too! But luckily the cake store was open so I got a piece chocolate cake.

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One day I was bored so I decided to get some pie. When I got to the pie store, I saw it was closed! So I went to the muffin store but it was closed too! But unfortunately the cake store was closed TOO so I when to the next town and all there food shops were closed. And then I got MAD, I went to the train station and went to the U.S.A and rushed to the nereist mcdonald's and it was OPEN, unfortunately for me there fast food was so delicious I lived on the stuff all the rest of my life and became a fat slob.


Here is my story: I was going to go to the new BLEACH movie about the arrancars, so I drove to vue went I found that they were SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I drove home were I looked on the internet for a booking site where I could get a ticket and all I looked for, guess what, were OUT OF COMPISION. So I went to the library to go on one of there computers and I managed to get a ticket at another cinema.


Try to get me to FAIL in this story!

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ultimatedestiny13's story the failed version:I was going to go to the new BLEACH movie about the arrancars, so I drove to vue went I found that they were SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I drove home were I looked on the internet for a booking site where I could get a ticket and all I looked for, guess what, were OUT OF COMPISION. So I went to the library to go on one of there computers and I managed to get a ticket at another cinema. When suddenly a 9.2 earthquake happens and the library caves in and I get crushed.



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Alright, since nobody can fail YCMaker #2's story, I'm just going to make up a new one. One day, I ended up miraculously beating the best duelist in the world who happened to use an e-hero deck just like me. So, since we played with an anti, I got his best card, which was Skyscraper 2-Hero City. Since I already had it, I sold it to some German guy on Ebay. End of story.

P.S. Ace of Spades is really good at failing people. I know him.

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