legendhiro Posted April 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 don't want good ol' ND to fade into obscurity. bump! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted April 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 16, 2009 bumped my other fic, so i figured i'd go ahead and bump this too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted April 30, 2009 Report Share Posted April 30, 2009 Bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 bump. ten new chapters are coming after the conclusion of the current arch in my yugioh fic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 Wohoo! I've been waiting so patiently for this one to be alive again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 after ages, this fic finaly revives Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 it arrives today. i just finished the latest arch in my yugioh fic, so expect a new chapter here later today! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 Yes! Finally! I'm looking forward to read it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 13, 2009 Report Share Posted May 13, 2009 Bump? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 Bumping 4 24-hrs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 here it is. sorry it's late... [spoiler=Chapter Two] Tyranterramon vs. InfernoKnightmon I looked back over at Tyranterramon. Sarah was right, he was beginning to move. The sphere of light that surrounded him shattered, and the massive creature fell toward the water. But his fall ended a good twenty feet from the surface of the water, and he hung there, hovering in our direction. “Okay,” I said, “he couldn’t do that before.” Behind me BlackColtmon spoke up for the first time since being hit full force by Tyranterramon’s attack. “I’m okay to fight again,” he said. “You sure?” “Yeah.” I nodded, “Then let’s get to it.” I pulled my Digivice and Digiplayer together and inserted the Neo Crest of Friendship as it changed form, becoming a disk. I brandished the compound device and called, “Initiate Warp Digivolution!” BlackColtmon began to glow and rose into the air, Tyranterramon growing ever closer, “BlackColtmon, Warp Digivolve to! Knighthramon!” BlackColtmon was suddenly in his Ultimate form, riding alongside on his hover board made of light. He gritted his teeth and flew strait at the advancing foe while the other Digimon landed on an outcropping nearby, letting us humans get down from their backs. Knighthramon was sent flying by a massive backhand, but he recovered just as the other Digimon rejoined the fight. But before even one of the Digimon could get off an attack Tyranterramon raised a fist and punched, sending ripples through the air, sending the Digimon tumbling through the air, out of control. I scrutinized the foe, “He couldn’t do that before either.” I pulled my Digicomp Handheld from my pocket and scanned Tyranterramon. His power was great, but it was in flux. There was no way he could focus it well enough to control it. The Digimon, working together, would be more than a match for him. There was nothing to worry about. That’s when the battle began again. Tyranterramon looked like he was fighting a hangover, but despite that he was remarkably composed. TechnoWeremon and MetalBrauntomon were the first to approach, hoping to use their greater mass to throw Tyranterramon off balance. But they were slow. Even a dazed Tyranterramon was fast enough to deflect their charge and send them tumbling yet again. It was then that Tyranterramon suddenly sprung forward, swinging his fist in a wide arch. MetalDragonterramon and Knighthramon were able to avoid the attack, but the remaining Digimon were thrown to the ground where they all five de-Digivolved. “He’s much stronger now,” said Knighthramon. As he spoke I noted that it was the first time that I’d ever heard anything resembling fear in his voice. I was shocked speechless. I scanned Tyranterramon again. The turbulent data was beginning to settle down, and his power was rising even further. I’d never expected Tyranterramon’s power to rise so much! But I regained my composure. If I’d learned one thing from my time in the Digital World, it was how to keep a clear head. “Then we’ll just have to give this everything we’ve got. No holding back, no matter what. MetalDragonterramon, Knighthramon, let’s show Tyranterramon the next level of power!” As I spoke MetalDragonterramon and Knighthramon flew close together and hung in the air, side by side. I brandished my Digiplayer and Digivice, loaded with both the Digidisk of Courage and the Digidisk of Friendship and called “Initiate DNA Digivolution!” “MetalDragonterramon!” The dragon became a solid form of light. “Knighthramon!” He became a form of light as well. The two lights converged and took the form of a twelve-foot-tall humanoid warrior with a sword over his right hand and a cannon over his left. Four opposable metal claws ringed the barrel of the cannon. The figure had a lizard-like tail and broad draconic wings. On his helm were three back swept spikes, “DNA Digivolve to, InfernoKnightmon!” As my two Digimon were merging, Tyranterramon seemed to awaken from his stupor. Upon seeing the figure that he was to face next, his eyes grew wide and he lunged at his opponent. But the considerably smaller InfernoKnightmon slammed into his foe’s stomach. Tyranterramon stumbled back, but he managed to regain his footing before his opponent. Tyranterramon locked his hands together and hammered InfernoKnightmon in the back. He was sent sprawling to the ground where he hit so hard that he bounced back up into the air. Tyranterramon kicked, catching InfernoKnightmon in the face, sending him flying. But the smaller Digimon was strong, and considerably more agile that the foe. He recovered, flipping backward and landing square on his feet. He charged at his foe at full speed and thrust his sword. Tyranterramon swung his smaller left fist, deflecting the blade, and came in with a right hook, which was deflected by InfernoKnightmon’s cannon arm. InfernoKnightmon carried through and made to slash Tyranterramon’s chest with his claws, but Tyranterramon jumped back, well out of his foe’s reach. Tyranterramon charged strait at his opponent. InfernoKnightmon flapped his wings and flew at full speed toward his foe. Tyranterramon raised his right fist. InfernoKnightmon raised his claw. The two Digimon punched, but just before fist met claw, InfernoKnightmon fired several cannon bolts, which impacted Tyranterramon’s fist. The force of the cannon bolts gave InfernoKnightmon just enough power to overcome Tyranterramon’s attack. Tyranterramon lost his footing. Seizing the opportunity, InfernoKnightmon swung his sword, unleashing a wave of heat and flames across Tyranterramon’s chest. Tyranterramon fell back into the edge of the water and fell into a sitting position, dazed. “Now to finish this!” InfernoKnightmon called, raising his cannon above his head. He summoned a massive orb of energy into the air just above the tips of his claws. Then he aimed strait at the dazed Tyranterramon’s head and called “Ultimate Stati-Shot!” He fired, hitting Tyranterramon dead on, causing him to fall onto his back into the water, utterly defeated. I ran to my Digimon’s side, but InfernoKnightmon signaled for me to stay back as he stared at the place where Tyranterramon had fallen. That’s when Tyranterramon rose from the water, his face and chest scorched, his face still smoking. “It seems that I underestimated you Digidestined. Even with the power from the Ocean Region Core fully integrated into my matrix I am unable to overcome your full power. But not for long!” He raised his fist. InfernoKnightmon aimed his cannon, but before he could react Tyranterramon punched the ground. Energy erupted from the point of impact, tearing open the sky. Tyranterramon jumped through the rift and it disappeared. I scanned for him using the Digicomp Handheld. He was once again over a mile away. “We have to follow him,” I said, turning to my Digimon. He had split into his two Baby II forms and collapsed. “The Digimon are all too tired Boss,” said Jen. “It’ll have to wait.” Next Chapter Tyranterramon's Plan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 I just read the chapter, and it was awesome! Finally the hiatus is broken! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 yep. had some trouble with it before. i was afraid it wasn't going to show up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 15, 2009 Report Share Posted May 15, 2009 Well, that's something that happen sometimes. Anyways, I can't wait for the characters I suggested to appear! Neither can't I wait for chapter three! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted May 15, 2009 Report Share Posted May 15, 2009 cool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 Next chapter soon? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2009 soon. i was away for a couple days and haven't had time to type. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 17, 2009 Report Share Posted May 17, 2009 Well, I hope to read the chapter soon! I've waited so long, and now this is finally active! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 please be up soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 Yes PLEEEEAAAASSSSE be up soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 sorry it's late, but better late than never! [spoiler=Chapter Three] Tyranterramon’s Plan My team and I ran from the ocean region, fleeing deep into the surrounding forest. Once we were far enough away that the thunder was only a distant rumble we stopped to rest, searching for firewood and setting up a makeshift camp. Then we settled in around our newly lit fire to think things through. A few feet away my two Digimon were engaged in one of their famous arguments. Each of them seemed to think that the other was to blame for our failure to defeat Tyranterramon. “You’re the one whose cannon wasn’t strong enough to finish him off!” Snakemon cried. “At least my cannon could hit him. It took you the entire battle to strike just one blow with your sword,” BlackMainemon countered. Snakemon hissed, and BlackMainemon bared his teeth. They lunged at each other, but I grabbed them mid leap, placing them on either side of me, “You two stay put. We can’t afford to be fighting amongst ourselves right now. Our enemy is just too strong.” My two partners hung their heads in apology, and I turned back to the others. “Alright, Tyranterramon is obviously strong, but we’ve hit him hard. Even he can’t recover from a blow like that easily. That gives us time to figure out what he’s planning.” “He wants to destroy the world,” said Sarah. “What’s so complicated?” “He doesn’t want to destroy the world,” said Mechmon. “I remember an old story, little more than a nursery rhyme, about a massive ancient Digimon who attacked the cores in an effort to somehow gain control of the entire Digital World. I think this Digimon is actually Tyranterramon.” “But the only way that Tyranterramon’s ‘used the cores’ so far,” said Jen, “is by destroying the Ocean Core and absorbing its data. Dong so ruined the Ocean Region. Why ruin the world that you’re trying to rule?” “I actually have a theory about that,” said Mechmon. “It’s a little far fetched, but it’s the only thing that makes sense based on what we’ve seen of Tyranterramon’s behavior. I think that Tyranterramon plans on destroying not just one or a few cored, but all five cores.” “But the cores hold the File Two together,” said Serpentmon. “Yeah,” said Ponymon. “If Tyranterramon were to destroy all five cores, File Two would collapse.” “Not just File Two,” said Mechmon. “It would mean the end of all worlds, including the original Digital World and Earth. At least in theory.” “Why would Tyranterramon want that,” I asked. “He would die along with everything else.” “Theoretically,” said Mechmon, “as Tyranterramon’s power grown, so will his control over the core data. By the time he absorbs the data of all five cores, he will be strong enough to survive even the end of the world for a few minutes. In those few minutes he will have complete control over the data that governs this world. I believe that Tyranterramon plans to will that data into a new form, creating a world of him own design that he can rule over for eternity. I think that’s what it means ‘use the cores’.” “If that’s the case,” I said as the weight of the situation hit me, “he’ll go after another core as soon as he’s strong enough. And the more cores he absorbs the more powerful he’ll become!” I looked around at my friends. We all knew that our rest time was over. Using the Digicomp’s File Two map I figured that the closest core to Tyranterramon’s most likely location was the desert. The forest was large enough that you could be in the forest and still be days away from the forest core (wherever it was), but the desert was small. Reaching its core would be a simple matter for someone like Tyranterramon. According to Mechamon’s best guess Tyranterramon would need to almost fully recover before absorbing another core so soon after the first. That meant we had some time to regain our strength. This time around we’d had more time to plan before coming to this world. In the few seconds of spare time that I’d managed to scrape together at home I was able to grab some protein bars, canned fruit, and three bottles of water, as well as some other assorted food from the kitchen. This way we balance our nutrition and keep our strength at its peak longer this time around. It wasn’t much, but we were going to need every edge we could get, no matter how small. I pulled out the protein bars, the fruit, some rolls, the water, some paper plates and some plastic forks. I cracked open the cans of fruit with my Swiss Army Knife, dished the food, and passed it around. We ate, and for the first time in this world that I could remember since our time with the Gekomon, we were full. After the meal we set out for the Desert Region, aiming to locate the next core before Tyranterramon. So far there was no indication that the scanners in our Digivices, or even the ones and mine and Jeremy’s devices could locate the energy given off by the cores, so our search could get difficult. But we were ready. As we walked Kristin and TechnoPupmon got to know each other better, while Serpentmon and BlackColtmon engaged in one of their more typical, less serious arguments. BlackColtmon would comment on Serpentmon’s immature attitude, and Serpentmon would come back with a crack about BlackColtmon’s over seriousness. It was a sign of their friendship. “It’s weird,” said Jen, “we haven’t seen any wild Digimon since we arrived here.” “Maybe they’re hiding. I’m sure most of the Digimon in this area are aware of what happened in the Ocean Region.” It was then, however, that a pair of Digimon chose to make themselves known to us. Out of the ground burst two mole-like Digimon with drills for noses and for toe nails. “Well,” I said, “you proud of yourself? You jinxed us.” “You have entered the territory of the mighty Drimogimon duo,” said one of the Digimon. I ignored them, scanning them with my handheld. “They’re Drimogimon,” I said. “Adult Level.” “For entering our territory,” said the second Drimogimon, “you will have to be punished.” “You don’t want to do that,” said BlackColtmon, but the two moles ignored him and lunged at us, thrusting with their drill-like claws. They were slow and easy to dodge. “Ooh,” said Kris, “let me and Pup handle this one.” I shrugged dismissively, “Knock yourselves out.” Kris raised her Digivice and it came online, “Initiate Digivolution!” TechnoPupmon grew, becoming a large robotic wolf made of green and blue armor panels covered in silver stripes, with leaf-like plumage protruding from his shoulders, “TechnoPupmon, Digivolve to, TechnoGarurumon!” The large robotic wolf thrust his claws into the ground and called, “Gripping Thorns!” Suddenly thorn-covered vines grew from the ground and wrapped around one of the two enemies. Seeing his friend trapped, the other Drimogimon moved to attack. Its nose drill spun and it lunged forward. But TechnoGarurumon was too fast to be hit by such an obvious, straightforward attack. He leapt up and called “Nature Blaster!” A thick beam of leaf-green-colored energy lanced from his mouth, striking Drimogimon square in the back. Drimogimon was vaporized, becoming data. “Don’t think you can beat me as easily as that dead weight,” said the other Drimogimon. He broke free of his restraints and began swiping wildly at his mechanized foe. TechnoGarurumon ducked under the oncoming attack, slid forward, and thrust his claws through his foe’s chest. The second Drimogimon vaporized as well, and TechnoGarurumon de-Digivolved to TechnoPupmon. “Awesome job Pup!” said Amanda. “You weren’t too bad I guess,” said BlackColtmon. “Oh come on,” said Serpentmon. “That was awesome!” I smiled, but I just couldn’t get excited over such a small victory. TechnoPupmon and his Digivolved forms were strong, true. But the question was, in the end, would they be strong enough to make a difference? Next Chapter Reunited with Old Friends Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 Chapter 3 is AWESOME! But I'm a bit curious about the name of the next chapter! I wonder WHAT it could be! Maybe you really DID listen to me about that plot twist suggestion!;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted May 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 sorry, no. this book was already written when i wrote the first special. think more of the first book. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Abarai Renji:. Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 Aaaww, nuts! To be honest, I didn't really get so much about Book 1.:oops: It was kinda confusing, but I'll keep reading and maybe find it out!;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stigma_Horrizone Posted May 19, 2009 Report Share Posted May 19, 2009 Awsomely done chapter 3!!!!!!!!!1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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