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Shadow the Hedgehog


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I made these cards based off of my friend's ideas. In fact all I did was reword them to make them sound more official.


175014gy6.jpg Okay, I added the difference effect. But who's seen a second stage level monster w/o an effect?

175014td5.jpg I edited this one a little. The prototype said "only card" I changed it to "only monster".

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These should go in pop culture...


End Phase


Special Summon

1, not one

lvl = Lv (in this case, but in all other cases it is Level)


Defense Position

Battle Damage


...opponent's Life Points directly...


Other wording problems too. The first 2 pics could use backgrounds and the effects could be more interesting. Also, you lack artist credit and/or a link to where you found the pics. I'll give you 24 hours before I report this thread.

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These should go in pop culture...


End Phase


Special Summon

1' date=' not one

lvl = Lv (in this case, but in all other cases it is Level)


Defense Position

Battle Damage


...opponent's Life Points directly...


Other wording problems too. The first 2 pics could use backgrounds and the effects could be more interesting. Also, you lack artist credit and/or a link to where you found the pics. I'll give you 24 hours before I report this thread.


These are in Pop Culture

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