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Split cards


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This may add a few twists to the game. The Spell and Trap cards do not count towards your field Limit. When the cards are in your deck, hand, graveyard or removed from play they count as both Monster and Spell or Trap (depending on the card ). The monsters are Normal monsters they just hold a spell or trap so if something negates effects monsters this type is not effected. Things that negate spell and trap cards can be used once the requirements of the spell or trap the monster is holding activates.




900 ATK/ 500 DEF


The effect of this card is activated once the spellholder holding it is attacked.. This effect applies only once in a battle phase. The attacking monster is returned to it’s owners hand.






By offering the face-down trapholder as tribute this Trap activates, Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap card and destroy it.

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