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It's a ridiculously situational card that does nothing beyond acting as a deterrent to discourage - not even stop, discourage - the opponent from targeting Plants other than itself that you control with effects. Maybe it's supposed to stop people from siding Fragrance Storm in to counter Plants if they ever become good, but even then it's terrible.

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I SUPPOSE it can be Useful... Wait' date=' meh.

Hilarious Art though. But Drawing Cards in Plant? [b']Why not Tokens?[/b] :roll:


Viva la pyramids!


Do you know how many Token cards relating to Plants we've gotten lately.

At least if they get enough token card plants will have more of a theme and won't be a part-zombie part-pyro part-aqua part-beast thing spreading its roots in all directions like a retarded potato.


Or tomato, judging from this card.

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