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Ok, Seriously, I Might Be High [Updated]

Tekken Ham

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Post Dark Legends



3x Destiny Hero-Dasher

1x Gorz


1x Stratos

3x Magical Exemplar

2x Kycoo

3x Night's End Sorcerer

1x Skilled Dark Magician

2x Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude

1x Sangan

1x Breaker

1x Destiny Hero-Fear Monger



3x Secret Village of Spellcasters

3x D-Draw

1x Heavy

1x Reborn

1x MST

1x Trunade

2x Foolish Burial

1x Card Destruction

3x Magical Dimension

1x Brain Control

1x RoTA

1x Terraforming



2x Solemn



2x Stardust

2x Goyo

2x Colossal

2x Tempest

2x Psychic Lifetrancer

2x Magical Android

1x RDA


1x Gyzarus


So yeah, I needed an excuse to put the DHERO Engine that we're getting from Dark Legends into casters.


Basically, D-Draws give hand advantage which turns into spell counters, by way of Tempest. Dashers are plain smexy since I don't need Malis. Exemplers recur Night's End frequently.


So, go crazy on this, it's a rough draft. Just no stupid suggestions and back up your suggestions with a reason or two.


EDIT: Update, Marionette is a dead draw most of the time, so I edged him out. Magical Dimension is just plain sexy, so yeah, edits made

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if you want some speed' date=' then use 3 plasma, 3 dogma, 3 d draw, 3 trade in and 3 allure. And personally i'd neg solemns for PWWB. That may sound crazy, but 2 solemns puts you down to 2k. and a tele-dad or any deck worth its salt can deal that in 1 turn.


Because I'm definitely gonna dedicate 15 cards for draw power that belongs in turbo Exodia, especially when I only have 6 targets for 6 draw cards, and those six targets are useless outside of draw fodder. That engine belongs in Exodia, not in Casters.


Also, I'm definitely going to use both Solemns EVERY game on negating stuff that won't save my life. Sure Solemn is being sorta outphased, but it's still as good a card as ever, and especially when I need to negate traps.

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The Apprentice Engine would be nice, but the best target would be Crystal Seer, and that's not the greatest, sure it would help alot in this deck, but the D-Draw Engine picks up that slack. Also, there is a lack of good targets for DDude, since dropping a Village to the bottom will cripple this deck.


And Hand Control isn't good this format. Everyone wants cards in the graveyard. Sure you could hit a good target, but with all the recursion and the speed of LS/Tele-DaD, I don't think it'll make a difference. And Zombies will just laugh and thank you.

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reason Im sayin add Crow is cause Crow can be used on opponents turn in chain to something like Reborn or it can hit a malicious in chain to D-Draw (Not quite sure if opponent can chain with Malicious or not)


he doesn't need crow, night will do the job fine, if premeptively on must stuff.


mal is not a real big threat.

village remember?


if you have room in your extra deck, thow in arcinite magician, he is the new spell counter DaD.

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reason Im sayin add Crow is cause Crow can be used on opponents turn in chain to something like Reborn or it can hit a malicious in chain to D-Draw (Not quite sure if opponent can chain with Malicious or not)


he doesn't need crow' date=' night will do the job fine, if premeptively on must stuff.


mal is not a real big threat.

village remember?


if you have room in your extra deck, thow in arcinite magician, he is the new spell counter DaD.


I didn't know Arcanite came out in the TCG yet.

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