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Help on a Divine Neos Deck

EHERO Andrew

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A friend of mine wrote down the strategy to using what he calls a Divine Neos OTK. Here is what he wrote:


1) Clear opponent's S/T Zone

2) Clear opponent's Monster Zone

3) Dump All Fusion Materials to the Grave (must have 3 Voltics in it)

4) Play Miracle Fusion (leaving 1 Voltic in the Grave)

5) Summon Divine Neos

6) Remove Voltic for effect

7) Inflict Damage (3000 Damage) and Sp Summon all Voltics (and attack with them for 3000 Damage) and Sp Summon Bladedge or Neos for the finishing attack


Here are the components he suggested to use on Divine Neos:

1 EH Neos or Alius

1 Neo-Spacian (don't matter which one)

2 EH Voltics

1 EH Bladedge


I already have 3 EH Divine Neos cards, so I can build this deck.


Can you please help me build this deck?

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And you didn't write this down on your first Deck?


I was trying to come up with something for Divine Neos on my own, and it hasn't worked out so far. So, I thought, why not just let the good members of YCM to help me out.


Though I hope he's gonna be at a Hobby League so I can ask him to discuss about the deck list.

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