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  1. 1. Which of these do you watch?

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well i made a dragon deck with the paladin of white dragon card as the main one, with stuff like that blue eyes is ok. how i had it set up with future fusions etc....its a whole lot easier to summon fusions....i mainly use blue eyes just to summon my dark paladin(with metamorphasis)

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Wow... Some of the stuff said hurts... :(


And I though it was pretty good. Well let me explain that the point of the deck is not get Blue-Eyes Ultimate and Five-Headed Dragon to wipe out the opponent. I just threw them in casually because extra fusion cards don't hurt. They are easy and effecient to summon thanks to Future fusion and Dragon's Mirrior. I am not a noob either and know of card presense and not what monster has higher ATK. If you do it right, BEUD or FHD are all in the cost of 1 card. This is not an OTK deck. If it was, I would have thrown in more S/T removal.


I am fully aware that King Dragun doesn't make dragons invincible, and neither does Jinzo, but everybody loves Jinzo. King D. just stops most effects so you can do more damage to your opponent before they destroy your monsters. People think it's hard to summon King Dragun, but once again, it's not and it's card efficient b/c D. Mirror and FF.


Let's say you have BEUD, FHD, and King Dragun on the field. You attack, but your opponent uses Mirrior Force. Normally you would start to cry since you lost 13 or more cards for 1 Mirrior Force. But in this deck you only lose 3 cards, and your opponent loses 1 Mirrior Force, so you really lose 2 cards. Don't forget you have a Premature and a Call in this deck to get BEUD and King (not FHD becuase of summoning requirements).


You can win if you get your strong dragons to do damage, but if the'ye stoped, then you can still win with the monster removal in the deck, Breaker, D.D.W.L, D.D.R.(Divine Dragon Ragnarok, not the other DDR), and all your tiny monsters, while Spirit Reaper, Marshmallon, and Twin-Headed Behemoth stall as long as they can for the big daddy Tyrant Dragon.

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I'll pretend you didnt put that ash. ¬¬


Koloth, u clearly have no idea about the metagame, or have any idea that only a handful of cards are actually good.

You are obviously one of these people that has got loads of points by insulting people on the forums, and then offer 100 points for a jinzo xD


And you say that a piece of cardboard is better than me, have u ever been to the UK nationals, somehow i doubt it, i doubt even that you have ever won a tournament, and dont give ash lip because he was sticking up for me

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Of course this is not meant to be played in a tounament! This is about as good as any Blue-Eyes deck gets though. It might win against 2-4 people, maybe even against an expermental monarch or machine beatdown deck. And Gadgets are almost dead now that Fissure and SG are limited, RoD is banned, and Each Gadget is semi-limited. Maybe this deck could even win some duels against gadgets if I deck in 3 Rugs and King Wanghus.


Sorry everybody, but Metamorphosis, Cyber-Stein, and Migical Scientist are banned. No cheap fusion summons.


When I was making the deck I was thinking about putting Return From a Different Dimension (yes, not Dimension Fusion) in the deck since it runs 3 Dragon's Mirror. I think RFaDD is better. Lots of decks remove their own cards from play, and I run two Noblemans. It would suck if I removed from play 3 Dekoichi's or Crystal Seer, and even if I don't pull off the second effect of Nobleman, 2 cards for the opponent is bad enough. Not to mention it's a dead draw when your low on LP.


What do you guys think about RFaDD?

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I know Cyber-Stein takes skill but it makes winning to fast and cheap, even with one in each deck. No Advance format deck would stand a chance against a Traditional format deck, with BLS-EotB, CED-EotE, Choas Sorcerer, Cyber Jar/Fiber Jar, Tsukuyomi, Witch, Yata, Sinister Serpent, Cyber-Stein, T-I Virus, T-ER, and Magical Scientist just to name the broken Monsters. I'm not even going to waste my time list the Spells and Traps.

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