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Velos graphic shop holos recoulers and more for extremely cheap prices!OPEN!!

Dire Wolf

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Ok i will post everything i supply in spoilers the prcie will be at the bottom of the example.If hard light or soft light is missing im not selling them yet.on holos



Abstrast 1:

Hard light:untitled0001.jpg 2 points

Deep sea:

Soft light:ds.jpg 2 points


Soft light:untitled006.jpg 3 points

Rainbow 1 and 2 and PASTEL soft light:

r1:untitled005.jpg 4 points

r2:untitled004.jpg4 points

Pastel:untitled003.jpg 3 points

More holos coming soon






[spoiler=Sticker re-coulers]






Logo:yu-gi-oh normal or yu-gi-oh will exploded back ground or 5 ds


Name of pack:

Num. of cards per pack:





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In a second' date=' how many hours is in a second? Give an example of all items on sale.



Theres no hours in a second, its an expression.There are exapmles up there theres been examples there since the shop opend:? i think it might be a glitch a few of them werent showing up when i looked

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