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bLeAcH RpG ChArAcTeR ShEeTs

The Worlds End

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Story:Over 30 years ago, a great war took place. Three Shinigami captains left The Soul Society, these three were, Sosuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen. Soon after leaving the three men would begin forming an army in the Hallow world. This would be an army like something never seen before, an army of Aarancar.


Aizen, once a very powerful captain had found a way to change Hallows into Aarancar, forming an army of Aarancar to work for him. After a short time, Aizen began his attack, declaring war on The Soul Society.


This was the largest war ever seen by anyone of The Soul Society, every captain was called, soul reapers fought hard and long trying to defend their home.


After a long drawn out battle, the war was finally over, every Captain had fallen, most Shinigami lost, all the previous Aarancar dead. Sosuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen, were also killed in this great battle, along with their abilities to create Aarancar.


Our tale takes place 30 years after this battle took place, The Soul Society still trying to replenish their numbers after losing all their captains they are confused and scared about another attack, the worst of it all is that the Hallows have taken advantage of this time by clamming more souls then ever from the Human world.


So that is our tale, now help to forge the new path of the worlds, weather you chose to destroy all that The Soul Society has stood for and defended or try to help pull the worlds back together.





ok all characters and stuff like that are here


You Can Not Make anyone from the Show if u do i will not except it

do not mod god such as making your character insanely power full

please post characters here

you can make your own ability's but you must pm it to me so i can see it








Captain character sheet(13 Slots)



* wheight:

* Hight:

* Age:

* Apperiance:

* Name:

* Division Captian number :

* name of zampactou ( sword) :

* Name of shikai :___

* Ability of Shikai:___|->(one Per Person)

* Name of Bankai:____

* Ability of Bankai:___|->(one Per Captian)



Lieutenant/vice Captian character sheet(13 slots)



* wheight:

* Hight:

* Age:

* Apperiance:

* Name:

* Divsion Vice Captian Number:

* name of zampactou:

* Name of shikai:______

* ability of shikai:___|->(one Per Person)

* Normal Ability(1 Per Person):

Shunpo: The User Can Move Ten Times Faster When This Move is Used.(also None as Flash Step)

Kido: A Fast Attack Like A Cero

Hakuda: a more powerfull then the Kido no matter what you can not move while using it

Hoho: an Extremly Powerfull attack Accept you the downfall is you take damage as well



Seated Member Character Sheet(20 slots Per Sqaud)



* wheight:

* Hight:

* Age:

* Apperiance:

* Name:

* Divsion











No. Squads Leaders Character Sheet(10 slots)



* wheight:

* Hight:

* Age:

* Apperiance:

* Name:

* No.:

* Name Of Hollow Form:______

* Hollow Form Apperiance:___|_

* Hollow ability:___________|_|->(one Per Leader)

* Normal ability(1 Per Leader):

Grand Rey Cero: The ultimate form of Cero,

no matter what, the user cannot move while using this ability.(Lears only)

Bara: A faster ability similar to Cero that has the power of a heavy punch, when used, it is about 20 times faster Then Cero.

Cero: this ability can be used instantly.

Shunpo: The User Can Move Ten Times Faster When This Move is Used.(also None as Flash Step)


* List Of Fraccion(2 per Leader): - * Fraccion Name:

* Fraccion ability:



Squad Members Character Sheet( lots of Slots)



* wheight:

* Hight:

* Age:

* Apperiance:

* Name:

* No. Squad:

* Normal ability: (1 Per Person):

Bara: A faster ability similar to Cero that has the power of a heavy punch, when used, it is about 20 times faster Then Cero.

Cero: this ability can be used instantly.

Shunpo: The User Can Move Ten Times Faster When This Move is Used.


* Fraccion (1 Per Squad Member): - * Fraccion Name:

* Fraccion ability:






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