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Zero.EXE (Coment Please!)


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the reason I made a separate thread for this was because it doesn't fit in my other threads. Anyway.. here is Zero.EXE. If you have any beef with its level, then tell me =P



Zero.EXE's Effects:This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be summoned by tributing three or more level 6 monsters as a tribute. When this card attacks a monster on your opponent's side of the field, remove any cards equipped to that monster from play and ignore that monster's effect. This monster gains +200 ATK points for every card destroyed in this way. If you cannot use this effect, this monster is treated as if it were in defense position. This card cannot be the target of effects, spell cards or trap cards.

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the pic is better :D but the flames hide him :(

oh and Defence Position not defence mode

btw wanna join the un(official) Megaman club ^_^


o.o 180696ap9.jpg

always a promblem for my cards to show =_=

please don't spam dude, and don't put your cards on other peoples threads without permission

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