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Total : 40

Monsters : 17

1 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

3 Gigaplant


1 Snipe Hunter

2 Blazewing Butterfly

2 UFO Turtle

2 Mystic Tomato

1 Nettles

1 Sangan

3 Lonefire Blossom

1 Copy Plant


Spells : 14

3 Unleash Your Power!

3 Swing of Memories

2 Symbol of Heritage

2 Card of Safe Return

1 Future Fusion

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm


Traps : 09

3 Solemn Judgement

3 Reckless Greed

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Ultimate Offering


Extra Deck : 15

1 Superalloy Beast Raptinus

1 Elemental Hero Grand Neos

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 Sanwitch

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

2 Stardust Dragon

2 Black Rose Dragon

2 Goyo Guardian

1 Queen of Thorns

1 Magical Android


Side Deck : 15

2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole

2 D.D. Crow

1 Magic Cylinder

2 Light-Imprisonning Mirror

2 Shadow-Imprisonning Mirror

2 Dust Tornado

3 Threatning Roar


Seriously, Unleash Your Power! (yes the "!" is part of the name) is probably the best card you can have in this deck. It always double (if not triple) the amount of plants you have on the field. With synchros you can trade the plants that are going to be flipped face down for stardust or black rose dragon. It even protects the monster you bring back with swing of memories from destruction by flipping them face down. It's way safer than dragon's mirror and it still enables you to OTK with massive swarms.


Tytannial, Stardust and Solemns provides an incredible amount of control so you still have a chance at winning if you don't OTK and it can give you enough time to draw an OTK.


I decided to go with Raigeki Break here since I don't fear Stardust Dragon and it kills royal oppression and skill drain. I also won a couple games by destroying my own sangan or even destroying my useless face down to throw a gigaplant in the grave for game.


I might run Mark of the Rose instead of Creature Swap I'm still in the process of testing those.


Do you think I should get my hands on some Silent Doom if I can? I heard it was a pretty good tech here.

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Unleash your power takes up space and it's a terribad dead draw, not to mention the fact that the card itself is horrible.


-3 Unleash your Power

-2 Symbol of Herritage

-2 Raigeki Break

-2 Creature Swap

-1 Copy Plant


+3 Reckless Greed

+2 Nettles

+2 Dragons Mirror

+1 Breaker teh magical pwner

+1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole (Synchro Killer)

+ UFO Turtle (Searches Lonefire)


And Wtf? Mystic Tamato?


With 3 Targets?


No, Just NO.


-2 Tamatos

+1 Blazewing


Now you're at 40, and your deckbuild is decent.


Also, for the extra deck, take out the pointless stuff and replace it with Superalloy Beasts

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Unleash your power takes up space and it's a terribad dead draw' date=' not to mention the fact that the card itself is horrible.


-3 Unleash your Power

-2 Symbol of Herritage

-2 Raigeki Break

-2 Creature Swap

-1 Copy Plant


+3 Reckless Greed

+2 Nettles

+2 Dragons Mirror

+1 Breaker teh magical pwner

+1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole (Synchro Killer)

+ UFO Turtle (Searches Lonefire)


And Wtf? Mystic Tamato?


With 3 Targets?


No, Just NO.


-2 Tamatos

+1 Blazewing


Now you're at 40, and your deckbuild is decent.


Also, for the extra deck, take out the pointless stuff and replace it with Superalloy Beasts



After testing, I can assure you unleash your power is better than dragon's mirror. Dragon's mirror happens to be dead way more often than unleash. It act's almost like an emergency teleport with blossom or gigaplant. If i have more it's like 2 or even 3 teleport in 1 card. Gigaplant revives blossom/nettles/copy plant and i synchro summon so i don't lose anything. Or i can use it on butterfly to get a gigaplant with his effect that won't go face down in the end phase.


Why 3 neetles i have so much graveyard recusion that i can use blossom to search it when it's in my deck or gigaplant to sp summon it. 2 at most seriously.


Reckless Greed, that I will try. I'll cut 2 raigeki break and 2 creature swap to get down to 40.


Grand mole is sided, I'll try to find some room for it in the main.


Tomato can search sangan who can search blossom (safe in my hand but sometimes slow) it's almost like turtle (it can only get it in atk position on the field, risky but fast when it works). Plus i have the option to get snipe late game so that's why i decided to play 2 of each and it can combine with copy plant for a lv8. I might try 1 tomato + 3 turtle though.


Blazewing sucks. Except when it's in the grave. If not it's SOOOOOO bad I won't ever play 3 of these again. I'm tempted to go down to 1.

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Blazewing is 2 or higher.


Running 2 Tamatos with 1 Valuable target is byfar the biggest no.


Nettles will help you synchro, thus 3.


Unleash your power is byfar horrible. Dragon's Mirror > Unleash your Power


Superalloy Beast Raptinus does all of what Unleash your Power does and much more.

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