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Diglett Dig Diglett Dig.

Trio trio trio!


Ah' date=' dude beat me to it.



that is imprinted deeply in the soft,squishy tissue of my brain.i hear it even now,typing this.thank you SO MUCH for bringing this torment back.[/sarcasm]



wait,can i give a riddle?


I have no Evolution OR Prevolution,yet i have the most different forms of any pokemon.

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Diglett Dig Diglett Dig.

Trio trio trio!


Ah' date=' dude beat me to it.



that is imprinted deeply in the soft,squishy tissue of my brain.i hear it even now,typing this.thank you SO MUCH for bringing this torment back.[/sarcasm]



wait,can i give a riddle?


I have no Evolution OR Prevolution,yet i have the most different forms of any pokemon.



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No, Ditto was already an answer, once all pokemon are used you may use them again...


I said the riddles have stopped which also means noone else can make their own riddles! The new one will be up within an hour! Can't you wait?

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Guest PikaPerson01

Only two Pokemon can time travel. Celebi and Dialga. But Dialga is more the master of time, not really a time travel, so I'll say Celebi.


But that's probably not it, since you like to cite obscure Pokemon or Pokemon that don't really match the riddles you give.

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All Incorrect.


You probably, aren't going to get this...

It's Grovyle. My Statement was from the Mystery Dungeons Time/Darkness >.>

Grobyle has come to take the Time Gears to the future to save the future.


I evolve into manythings. But only go to Stage 1. I have many types in the end.

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