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Help Tea win her first Regional ever.

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If CSOC is going to be legal, try Plants or Zombies if you can get PGZ's, Goblins, Doomkaisers, Ha Des's, etc. Plants WILL be cheaper. Spellcasters are also pretty strong. GB's could also work if you want to spend a long time playtesting out changes since there is no one definite build that everyone can change up a bit and it will work. GB's need a good list. Respite is a must with all the dead GB's.


tl;dr: RUN PLANTS (Cheap), ZOMBIES (Expensive), Spellcasters (MAVERICK lulz), or GB's.

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If you have Psychic overload, get Thought Ruler Archfiend, a bunch of tuners, GOOD support cards, and a few more synchros. Remember to get psychics too if you do my idea ^_^



^The above is my deck idea, and it WORKS. trust me. I dueled my little bro the other day, and I DOMINATED him ^_^

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If you have Psychic overload' date=' get Thought Ruler Archfiend, a bunch of tuners, GOOD support cards, and a few more synchros. Remember to get psychics too if you do my idea ^_^



^The above is my deck idea, and it WORKS. trust me. I dueled my little bro the other day, and I DOMINATED him ^_^



And Emergency Teleport runs in the $30's.


And I obviously have the money to get those, and then some.


So far, the really appealing ideas are Immortal Sync, Spell Sync and Zombie Sync.


I'll tinker with those ideas a bit.

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When are you planning to go to the regional? (to know what will be legal) What would you like to play? And what deck are you most successful with?


And also, I know you're running low budget but you must have some cards that are somewhat expensive. If you could give us some info on what you have. (Ex: if you have allures or solemns we can build more decks knowing this)


Plants are probably the best thing you can build cheap but winning a regionnal with this is hard. I have a lot of competitive decklist, what really matters after that is how you play and luck.

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Play something anti-meta. An aggressive warrior toolbox (running both D.D. assailants AND D.D. warriors among the other usual stuff) with 3 oppressions and 3 kycoos will help to stomp on Tele-Dad, and you can more than likely get away with maining 2 crows, since they work against zombies, Tele-Dad and Plants.

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seriously perfect synergy is perfect. 0_0

(this is if CSOC is legal)



3 Celfon

3 Radion

3 Boomboxen

2 Cameran

3 Crow

1 Breaker

3 Junk Synchron



3 Allure (If you can)

1 MR

1 Heavy

2 Dupe

1 Limiter

3 Accelerator


3 Shrink



3 Solemn (If possible)


2 Morphtransition


Extra Deck: Chimeratech + Synchros



3 Kycoo

1 Future Fusion

1 Overload Fusion



3 Mechanicalchaser

1 Megamorph



feel free to alter that :D


BTW, main combos are:

Celfon + Dupe

Boomboxen + Radion + Limiter Removal/Second Boomboxen

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^ You never know' date=' follow the same tricks as this guy and picking up allures and solemns might not be as difficult as you thought ;)



An inspirational story, but, unfortunately, time is not a commodity that I can afford.


Moreover, large events are rare around here, and the local tournaments are rather unfruitful.

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