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Super Smash Bros Spoof Contest: And the Winner is Shradow!!! (This Contest is finished, please Lock and Move!)


Which one of these Cards do you find the Funniest?   

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which one of these Cards do you find the Funniest?

    • RAWMasonBoy's "NOOGIE!"
    • Konnie's "Gimmie Back My Cookie!"
    • Crystal Beast's "Bully"
    • Shradow's (Or Ritz Man's) "Cracker Up The Butt"
    • Benguin Boo's "Roll Up, Roll Up Ladies!"
    • Leanbow's "Ultimate Blowjob Attack"
    • LuigiFan's "Essence Of Wario's Fart"
    • NeatHat's "R.O.B. Is EVIL!"

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Sorry i wasn't able to come on on my birthday. I had some suprise guests (that being my cusions). However, i'm back now, and its time for me to decide the winners of Stage 2: The Power of the Polls!


Excluding LuigiFan's vote, the results on the Poll above will decide the people who shall get through to the next Stage, and those winners are;




Crystal Beast

Benguin Boo



Surpisingly, there were 5 winners, since that there were 4 people with 2 votes, so the rules for the 3rd and final Stage will have to be changed a little. Anyway, congrats to you 5 and hard luck to everyone else, and i wish LeanBow, Konnie and LuigiFan luck for the next time you guys join!


Now, onto;


Stage 3: Let The Brawls Begin!!! (And by Brawl, i mean Tournament)


Now then, this final Stage is a Tournament based elimination contest, which will consist of me giving a set of chalanges a topic for them to follow. Then they will need to make a card thats not just funny through the image, Title, Effect etc but also on how close it resembles that topic, as i will give out ratings depending on these factors. This is how i'll be rating your cards from here on out;


Matching Topic: 4/10

Image: 2/10

Title: 1/10

Effect: 3/10


Theperson with the highest rating from each set moves onto the next round. Now then, the reason why i wanted to have 4 people to get through was so that i could have two 1 v 1's, but since there are 5 people, i'll need to arrange it like this:


RAWMasonBoy v NeatHat


Crystal Beast v Shradow v Benguin Boo


I'm going to have to do something else with the 1 v 1 v 1 group in order to find or 3rd place winner.


Now then RAWMasonBoy and NeatHat, i want you two to make a Brawl card thats related tosomething in the SubSpace Emissionary Plot, and this could be through one of the cutscenes, or during the actual game play (When you play the levels). Remember, the funnier and the closer that the card matches this topic, the bigger rating you will get.


Now then Crystal Beast, Shradow and Benguin Boo, I want you three to make me a Brawl Card about a characters Special Attack (this being the B moves). This can be any character and any of these Special Attacks, but please make it origonal and no Final Smashes! Make it as funny and closely related to this topic as possible.


Now then, since quite a few people have made it through, the ned date for this part will be the 10th of December (a week and a bit) so use this time to make a good card rather than rushing andposting one in a day. If everyone manages to get their cards finished before then, i will start rating the cards straight away rather than on the 10th.


Oh i almost forgot! You can only post a maximum of 3 cards for this round, and i would also like someone to help me to judge in this contest! The person who gets this opertunity will be the one who asks first, simply enough.


Anyway, on your marks, get set...


GO! :mrgreen:

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This is the fist of two or three cards for me. 130984sr4.jpg


Effect: This card may only be Special Summoned if "The Subspace Emissary" Field Spell card is in play. If "Insane McDonald" has reared a "Crazy Horn Sheep" and it declares an attack on "Fox", you may Smelly Summon up to 3 "Poop" in Fox's Trousers. If there is any reason why you can't Smelly Summon "Poop"..."Fox" has constipation! Either way, get "Fox" to run for his life!!!!

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hi there wanna trade


um this is a contest? why are you asking to trade?


PM answer if u can, do not reply to this on thread, cos i wont e checking back.


i just dont understand what you mean? i think u mean trade real cards, but i must be mistaken, no one is that noobish

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hi there wanna trade


Wrong section mate. This is the contest card section, not the Trading card one (or whatever its name was).


Anyway, very good cards so far, especially that DBZ Reference! ROFL!!! Also RAWMasonBoy;


1. Sorry about the misspelling in ur name :oops: !

2. I can't read your effect very well, so post underneath what it says, otheriwse you will lose points/ratings!


Anyway guys, you've only got until Wednesday so hurry, hurry, hurry!


P.S. Best.Birthday.EVER!!!! (i.e. I got a DS and 4 games for it...WOOT!!!)

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Hey can I be in the contest? Here is my cards! 141515dn2.jpg141515tn1.jpg141515ib1.jpg


Too late, sorry. those are some good cards however, so next time i do this contest, join as soon as you can!


Anyway guys, bad news. we're (My Family) getting the carpets re-done in the computer room, which means that the computer will be unplugged and won't be re plugged until Sunday the 14th, so i won't be able to rate ur cards until then. This however, gives you all more time, so use this opertunity to your advantage!!!

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Thank you new carpets!!!! I haven't been on YCM for ages and this extended time saved my dream (coming at least 3rd) anyway here are my 3 cards' 2 about Falcon Punch ,and 1 about Bite!!!:




Lore:A giant cat suddenly appears and does an imitation of Captain Falcon. If it manages do do a FALCON PAAAANCH! then a cow comes and eats all your opponents cards and a turkey comes and sucks youre opponent up and turns into him/her!!!! The duel continues with the cat with 99999999999 life points and the turkey with0.000000000000000000000001 life points!!!!




Lore:When Luigi comes out to play...bring out Captain Falcon and scream FALCOUN PAAAANCH!!! and see Luigi fall to the floor in pain as you think about why this card isn't spelt right!!!




Lore:Make Wario go up to Solid Snake and if he trys to eat him shout "YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG" If he stops eating him you LOSE, if he ignores you and gobbles him up then you WIN!!!! Hooray!!!! Yeah!!!!!


Will you fulfill my dream for me? its you're choice :s (please could the answer be yes???!!!!)


P.S. My name is benguinboo, not Benguin Boo!!!! NO space and NO capitals, just benguinboo!!!

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Ok then, i'm finally back and now its time to rate all of your cards! Firstly Crystal beast, if you don't get your entry done by tommorrow, then your eliminated! I'm only giving you this chance because you came 3rd in my last contest, so hurry! This goes for you as well NeatHat!


Now then Shradow, for your "Irony Sucks" card:


Topic: You not only used 1 special attack, but you also linked it towards another (that being kirbies Inhale, due to the irony part)? Not a bad idea! 2/4


Title: This matches the card perfectly, so; 1/1


Image: The image itself is really good, but i've already seen that imageon the internet loads of times...hmm...oh what the hay! 1.5/2


Effect: Its kinda repetative, that being the Irony part, but still good effort; 1/3


Overall: 5.5/10. Its ok, but you need to do better than that if u wanna win!


For your second card, "It's Over 9000!!!!!";


Topic: Heheheh, using a special attack to quote a commenly known DBZ moment, well done; 3/4


Title: Lol! I knew exactly what this card was going to be about when i saw this! 1/1


Image: Heh, using Wolf's Viser as a DBZ Scouter thingy, brilliant! Simply Brilliant! 2/2


Effect: "Then yell "IT'S OVER 9000!!!" In your oppoment's face really loud!" HAHAHAHA!!! Very funny Shradow; 2.5/3


Overall: 8.5/10. An impressive improvment there Shradow!


Now then RAWMasonBoy, firstly thanks for taking my advice about the whole "Make your effects clearer" thing, and secondly, its to late for the other cards i'm afraid! Now then, for your "Holy crap Old McDonald! What Have You Been Doing?" Card;


Topic: Crikey, didn't expect anyone to use an old kindergarden/nursery song for this topic. Good thinking! 2.5/4


Title: A little bit confusing at first, as i thought it was on about the McDonalds that sells Burgers and everything! 0.5/1


Image: Heh, poor Fox... 2/3


Effect: "you may Smelly Summon up to 3 "Poop" in Fox's Trousers. If there is any reason why you can't Smelly Summon "Poop"..."Fox" has constipation!" As usual RAWMasonBoy, you make the funniest Effects! 3/3


Overall: 8/10. So far, so good! Your not out of the water yet though, as we need to see how well NeatHat has done!


Finally Benguin Boo-i mean benguinboo, heh *Coughs*, to make things simpler, i'll only state the ratings i gave your your best card, that being the "Cat PAAAANCH!" Card;


Topic: Lol! This was exactly what i had in mind for this Topic, and you almost got a perfect score as well! 3.5/4


Title: Now this kinda suprised me a little, until i saw the image that is! 0.5/1


Image: OMG!!!! ROFL!!!!! Excellent image benguinboo! 2/2


Effect: "Then a cow comes and eats all your opponents cards and a turkey comes and sucks youre opponent up and turns into him/her!!!!" A Little bit Random rather than funny here, but still 2/3. P.S. I would be totally freaked out if a cat actually came up to me and Falcon punched me! Good thing i'm getting a dog instead!!!


Overall: 8/10. Your 0.5 points short! But don't worry! You still have a chance to come 3rd, which i'll explain later on!


Now then so far, these are the scores:


RAWMasonBoy: 8/10

NeatHat: N/A


Crystal Beast: N/A

benguinboo: 8/10

Shradow: 8.5/10


Now then, what i'm planning to do is if Crystal Beast and NeatHat don't get their card(s) posted in time by tommorrow 7:00pm, what i'll do is i'll put all three of you guys into the Finals.


If that isn't the case, then the winner between round 1 (RAWMasonBoy and NeatHat) will go into the Finals, while the the winner of round 2 will move into the Finals as well! But, in order to decide on a 3rd place winner, the other 3 will need to fight it out one more time with a different Topic (And the same rules as before), and the winner of this will be placed 3rd and recieve their prize imediatly!


Until then, tune in tommorrow!

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Ok then, NeatHat hasn't entered in time so sorry to say this mate, but your eliminated!


Ok then Crystal Beast, for some reason i can't seem to see ur first card, so i can only rate the second one, that being "Rocket Fart!";


Topic: Matched the topic, but to obvious; 2/4

Title: Heh, i though u were gonna say nuclear fart, but still; 1/1

Image: Again, its to obvious, but since i like fart humour so much; 1.5/2

Effect: "And what do you know? The stench might take your oppoment's life, too!" Hahahah!!! If only it were that easy; 3/3


Overall: 7.5/10. A good score, but it isn't enough. However, you still have that first card of yours, so try to post it again and if still no dice, then just state what the cards title, effect was and the link for the image. To be onest, its probably my computer so don't worry, your not out yet!


Ok, here are the (Sort of) final scores!


RAWMasonBoy: 8/10. Onto the Finals!

NeatHat: N/A. For obvious reasons, eliminated!


Crystal Beast: 7.5/10, but not the final score for the reasons above.

benguinboo: 8/10. Almost mate, but you still have the chance for 3rd!

Shradow: 8.5/10. Best score so far in this Stage, and onto the Finals!


Now then, because of the case with Crystal beasts card, i shall post pone the Finals until either he posts the card/ cards details again, or by tommorrow at 7:00pm. As for the rest of you:


Round 2: The Losing Battle!


Crystal Beast v benguinboo v NeatHat


Now then you three, firstly if Crystal Beasts card turned out to be higher than Shradows, then he shall be in the Finals instead, and secondly the same rules apply, but with a different Topic! That Topic being...An Assist Trophy! This can be either a Monster, Spell or Trap card, as long as you folow the same requirements and rules as before!


Now then RAWMasonBoy and Shradow, your round will be postponed, so feel free to watch! and Shradow, you might not be in the Finals, so don't get cocky!


The end date of Round 2 is...18th!


Hurry Hurry!

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Ok then' date=' NeatHat hasn't entered in time so sorry to say this mate, but your eliminated!


Ok then Crystal Beast, for some reason i can't seem to see ur first card, so i can only rate the second one, that being "Rocket Fart!";


Topic: Matched the topic, but to obvious; 2/4

Title: Heh, i though u were gonna say nuclear fart, but still; 1/1

Image: Again, its to obvious, but since i like fart humour so much; 1.5/2

Effect: "And what do you know? The stench might take your oppoment's life, too!" Hahahah!!! If only it were that easy; 3/4


Overall: 7.5/10. A good score, but it isn't enough. However, you still have that first card of yours, so try to post it again and if still no dice, then just state what the cards title, effect was and the link for the image. To be onest, its probably my computer so don't worry, your not out yet!


Ok, here are the (Sort of) final scores!


RAWMasonBoy: 8/10. Onto the Finals!

NeatHat: N/A. For obvious reasons, eliminated!


Crystal Beast: 7.5/10, but not the final score for the reasons above.

benguinboo: 8/10. Almost mate, but you still have the chance for 3rd!

Shradow: 8.5/10. Best score so far in this Stage, and onto the Finals!


Now then, because of the case with Crystal beasts card, i shall post pone the Finals until either he posts the card/ cards details again, or by tommorrow at 7:00pm. As for the rest of you:


Round 2: The Losing Battle!


Crystal Beast v benguinboo v NeatHat


Now then you three, firstly if Crystal Beasts card turned out to be higher than Shradows, then he shall be in the Finals instead, and secondly the same rules apply, but with a different Topic! That Topic being...An Assist Trophy! This can be either a Monster, Spell or Trap card, as long as you folow the same requirements and rules as before!


Now then RAWMasonBoy and Shradow, your round will be postponed, so feel free to watch! and Shradow, you might not be in the Finals, so don't get cocky!


The end date of Round 2 is...18th!


Hurry Hurry!


I know that, I was just saying because I had the highest score so far... Also...


IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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