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A Few New Elemental Heroes

Dragon Brothers

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I'm new to this so I don't know if the pictures will appear or not. Okay?

Well enjoy the new elemental heroes I've come up with.





Elemental Hero Shadow Lady+ Elemental Hero Burstintratix

When this monster is destroyed either by battle or by a magic or trap card, summon 1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix and 1 elemental Hero Shadow Lady, you can then pay 500 life points to have Burstinatrix to attack your opponent's life point's directly, and 1000 for Shadow Lady to do it.



I might come up with some more which in this case I add it to the thread.

Great I guess none of the pictures appeared! Please somebody out there tell me how to do it.

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Yes these are my cards, i guess you just added [/img] to the end of what I had already posted I'll post them myself now. Thanks everybody!





Elemental Hero Shadow Lady+ Elemental Hero Burstintratix

When this monster is destroyed either by battle or by a magic or trap card, summon 1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix and 1 Elemental Hero Shadow Lady, you can then pay 500 life points to have Burstinatrix to attack your opponent's life point's directly, and 1000 for Shadow Lady to do it.



Kind of ironic that when my cards actually showed up it was through somebody else, oh well. Thanks everybody and tell me what you think of them.

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