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Not-so-Vanilla Cone

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A spin on the 'Vanilla Cone' deck that i have seen work so well with Dark Magician: I present, Inferno Icecream!


Monsters: 15

Elemental Hero Prisma x3

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x3

Red-Eyes Wyvern x3

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Summoned Skull x3

Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon x2


Spells: 20

E - Emergency Call x3

Reinforcement of the Army x3

Inferno Fire Blast x2

Card of Safe Return x2

Swing of Memories x3

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Heavy Storm x1

Lightning Vortex x2

Giant Trunade x1

Polymerization x1


Traps: 5

Birthright x3

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra: 1

B. Skull Dragon x1


R&F please

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-1 E Call

-1 RotA

^ Despite the list Russ gave us, playing 3 and 3 with 4 targets is silly.

-1 Something else...


+3 Allure of Darkness (when/if you get them)

But for now, +3 Hand Destruction


You really don't wanna be stuck with dead summoned skulls/red eyes cards in hand

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