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Get Your Winged Dragon of Ra to Maximum Power!(I hope!)

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I'm not sure if this would work,and it's almost impossible,but:

40 Trap Cards in your Graveyard

3X"Uria,Lord of Searing Flames"On your field.(40,000 ATK each)

Tribute all=3X"Great Maju Garzett"(80,000 ATK each)

Tribute all=1"Winged Dragon of Ra"(240,000 ATK)

Pay all but 1 of your Life Points to Ra(247,999 ATK)

Equip with 3 "Megamorph"(247,999 X 2=495998 X 2=991996 X 2= 1,983,992!

Winged Dragon of Ra with 1,983,992 ATK!Hooray!



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i need to remember this when a monster that has original ATK equal to your LP comes out.


interesting idea anyway, since you are allowed to take your points back on a 1 to 1 scale, you get 3 for 1. though you do have to empty RA completely to do so.


good for the DS games, where you get RA if you connect to another game that has it.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Doesn't work.


1. Great Maju Garzett calculates from original ATK, which is 0 for Uria.


2. Megamorph in multiples is the same as 1 Megamorph.

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I didn't laugh at this.

1: It's illegal

2: It's horrible

3: It's idiotic

4: I don't know how it made people laugh, unless it was the stupidity of it.

5: It's never work, you would die before you can get Ra's ATK that high, seriously.


Enough has been said.


~The Enrise of Darkness

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Time for fixin's.


Have 3 Dragon Master Knights and 2 Hoshiningens on the field. Tribute all of them for the Winged Dragon of Ra. (15000 ATK) Pay Life Points to increase Ra's ATK. (22999 ATK) Activate DNA Surgery (set to Machine) then Axe of Despair, and DNA Transplant (set to LIGHT as an example) (24999 ATK) Activate Sparking Light. (25499 ATK) Activate Megamorph and Limter Removal. (101996 ATK)


Assuming the Deck Size Limit is 80...


Have 74 Machines in your Deck (1 of them Cyber Dragon), Future Fusion, Megamorph, 3 Axes of Despair, and Limiter Removal. Activate Future Fusion and get Chimeratech Overdragon (59200). Activate the 3 Axes, Megamorph and Limiter Removal (in that order) (248800 ATK)


Which clearly pwns Ra's actual possible maximum ATK shown above.

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