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Master of Shadows

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[spoiler= Items, Prices, Forms, and Examples] [spoiler=Card Invert:One for free, 1P each if you want to buy more in the same day] Example:Kopia6avuntitled.jpg

Form: post the card you want inverted on this thread.


[spoiler=Black & White Card:1P for one, 2P for three] Example:Kopia4avuntitled.jpg

Form: post the card you want black&whited on this thread.


[spoiler=Gold Sticker:1P] Example:Kopiaavuntitled-1.jpg

Form: post the card you want a gold sticker on on this thread.


[spoiler=Card Re-Colour:1P]


Form: Post the card you want coloured(and the colour you want) on this thread


[spoiler=Card Re-Colour(Image is not coloured):1P]Example:Kopia3avuntitled.jpg

Form: post the image(or card with an image on) that you want coloured on this thread.


[spoiler=Pile of Cards] Untitled-2.png

Form: Post the card(s) you want in the pile of cards on this thread.


[spoiler=Ink Written Card:1P] Kopia5avExampleCard.jpg

Form: Post the card you want to look like it has been written in inc on this thread.


[spoiler=Mosaic Card:1P] KopiaavExampleCard.jpg

Form:Post the card you want mosaic:ed on this thread.


[spoiler=Holo Card:1P] Kopia4avExampleCard.jpg

Form: Post the card you want holoed on this thread.


[spoiler=Double Re-Colour:3P] Kopia3avExampleCard.jpg

Form: Post the card(and colours)that you want double coloured on this thread.


[spoiler=1 Week Free:50P]If you buy this item, in 1 week, you can have anything you want from my shop that costs 2P or less.


[spoiler=2 Week Free:100P]By buying this item, in 2 weeks, you can have anything you want from my shop that costs 5P or less.




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