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My Insect Deck


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Hi again ^^ I'm here now to introduce to everyone my Insect - Earth Deck, it's very simple and only based on destruction xD well... just attack lol and that's all... If you have seen my warrior deck you can see that my style is very basic =3 ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME but as I have already said in the warrior deck... IF I USE THESE CARDS IS BECAUSE THAT'S EVERYTHING I GOT xD (I have gotten all of my cards for free as gifts =3 )




Monsters: 21


x3 Insect Knight

x3 Man Eater Bug

x2 Gokipon

x2 Arenal Bug

x2 Chainsaw Insect

x2 Saber Beetle

x2 Doom Dozer

x1 Grasschopper

x1 Millenium Scorpion

x1 Pinch Hooper

x1 Howling Insect

x1 Anteatereatingant


Spells: 15


x2 Insect Imitation

x2 Gaia Power

x1 Fissure

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Enemy Controller

x1 Mystical Space Thypoon

x1 Creature Swap

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Hammer Shot

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Swords Of Revealing Light

x1 Axe Of Despair

x1 Mage Power


x1 Magic Jammer

x1 Sakuretsu Armor

x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

x1 Skill Drain

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Tnx for your suggestions... and well the other insect cards that I have are just crappy ones... I don't have Gemini but maybe I can get the Gigaplant and Buttrfly, the only problem is that here no one have insects anymore xD I have already taken all of them lol there are only 2 Insect decks in the whole city xD and is a small one so no chance to trade =P (and I don't like buying xD)


Well tnx =D I'll try to get the addons



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