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Megaman.EXE (Style Cards. COMMENTS PLEASE :|)


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here I am again.. and this time I'm also doing styles! woop! anyway.. first up is my fave style, BugStyle. no-one go stealing it now =_='..



BugStyle's Effects:(Megaman + Net Virus)

-This monster is treated as 'Megaman' while in play

-flip a coin (flip a coin each turn this card is face up on your side of the field). If heads, Megaman's ATK is doubled, and Megaman can attack 2 times in a row. If tails, Megaman's ATK + DEF is cut in half.

-If there is more than one dark type monster on the field, Megaman's ATK will triple, but DEF will be split in two.



HubStyle's Effects:(Megaman + HubBatc)

-this monster is treated as 'Megaman' while in play

-this monster always attacks first.

-once a turn, you may switch this monster into defense mode after it has attacked.

-this monster cannot be the target of effects, trap cards, or spell cards.

-when this monster is destroyed, you may special summon one monster with the word 'Style' in its name from within your deck, hand or graveyard

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