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Megaman.EXE cards (Final boss series as ritual summons =o. COMMENT PLEASE!!!!)


Which boss should I do next?  

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  1. 1. Which boss should I do next?

    • Gospel/ Bass
    • Alpha
    • Duo
    • NebulaGray
    • Greiga/Falzar

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so here I am, working on the final bosses for battle network as ritual summons :U. first up is life virus, and the ritual spell card 'dream well'...



Life Virus' Effects:This monster's total ATK is equal to double your remaining LP. This monster's DEF points are equal to double your opponent's remaining LP. During your Battle Phase, you may remove one spell card on your side of the field from play, negating all damage done to your monsters during your opponents next Battle Phase. If you use this effect, Life Virus cannot attack during this turn. Life Virus cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle. If Life Virus is destroyed, remove it from play.



BassGS' Effects:(Bass + Gospel)

In order to summon This monster, "Bass" and "Gospel" must be removed from play. Every time you destroy one LIGHT type monster, add a "Bass+ counter" to "BassGS". when you have more than three "Bass+ counters", send all cards on the field (excluding BassGS) to the graveyard. This monster cannot be the target of spell or trap cards. When this monster is destroyed, use it to special summon one "Gospel" and one "Bass" from out of play.



Gospel's Effects:When summoned, this monster automatically triggers all face down trap cards on the field, then removes them from play. This monster gains +1000 ATK points if "Bass" is in play. This monster cannot be the target of Trap cards. When this monster is destroyed, remove it - and the card that Destroyed it - from play



Alpha's Effects:During your Standby Phase, you may sacrifice a monster to negate an attack against 'Alpha'. The attacking monster is then removed from play. During your Battle Phase, you may sacrifice a monster to reveal all face down cards on the field. If any Trap cards are flipped, remove them from play. If this Effect is used, 'Alpha' cannot attack this turn. This monster cannot be the target of Monster Effects or Trap Cards. When this monster is destroyed, remove all face down cards on the field from play

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Dude check out my two cybeast cards. and GO WITH THE CYBEASTS. Just look at the cybeasts and see if they help you.



i call the lose 500 LP during Standby Phase' date=' BESERK!



those are win cards =o... and as a side note.. Life-Virus needs a better pic =/...


EDIT: I just realized that someone's already made cybeast cards =_='.. ah well.. onto alpha ¬_¬'..

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well for starters Dream well pic is blurry and the OCG is kinda off



and some more that i noticed by my head right now hurts so damn much

same goes for all of the other cards work on your OCG dream virus pic is cool, Bass GS needs a background and the same goes for Alpha

other than that good effort ^_^ 6/10

but work on your OCG and these cards will be cool

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Why so many riturals? o_O


<3 the image for Life Virus


Rituals because I am a ritual / fusion whore.. and I made the LifeVirus img on Gimp =P


NEW CARD! here's Bass


(see first post)

well for starters Dream well pic is blurry and the OCG is kinda off



and some more that i noticed by my head right now hurts so damn much

same goes for all of the other cards work on your OCG dream virus pic is cool' date=' Bass GS needs a background and the same goes for Alpha

other than that good effort ^_^ 6/10

but work on your OCG and these cards will be cool



I think I'll need help with the OCG =_='... as for picture editing.. guess my day is gonna revolve around Gimp =o...

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well 1 piece of advice will to check out some ritual monsters and spells(real ones) learn the ocg from them and after that start creating the effect based on that OCG

also i observed that you are creating "style megaman" cards if you need help finding those, if i can remeber well i found all the souls and styles around photobucket

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well 1 piece of advice will to check out some ritual monsters and spells(real ones) learn the ocg from them and after that start creating the effect based on that OCG

also i observed that you are creating "style megaman" cards if you need help finding those' date=' if i can remeber well i found all the souls and styles around photobucket



that would help a lot =o... and thanks for the advice =P

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